14:38:46 Europe / Stockholm


2022-06-13 08:30:00

Region Värmland was the first Swedish region to introduce organized prostate cancer screening in 2015. The program includes men in the age category 50-75 years. The region has now decided to include testing with Stockholm3, a blood test for early detection of aggressive prostate cancer.

"We are very proud and happy to be the first Swedish region to offer an organized screening program to all men at risk, similar to the screening for breast and cervical cancer that we offer women," says Göran Karlström, Chief Physician and Medical Director of Health and Healthcare services in Region Värmland.

“It is very gratifying that Region Värmland introduces Stockholm3 for improved prostate cancer diagnostics, based on scientific studies. It provides great benefits for both men and healthcare in the region and we hope that in the long run, it will lead to general screening throughout the country ", says David Rosén, CEO of A3P Biomedical.

Earlier this year, a clinical study was published which Region Värmland conducted in collaboration with Karolinska Institutet with the support of the Swedish Prostate Cancer Association. The study, which includes 9,000 men, focused on finding men who have agggressive prostate cancer through better diagnostics and improved use of resources.
The results of the study show that the best strategy is to use Stockholm3 as a complement to today's analysis with PSA.

"By using Stockholm3, we can better distinguish those men who need further testing, such as magnetic camera examination or biopsies", says Mauritz Waldén, Med. Dr., Urologist and responsible for the research study.

Region Värmland has about 280,000 inhabitants, of which 50,000 are men in the age category 50-75 years, who have been offered organized PSA testing. The region now aims to reach the next level by using Stockholm3 at elevated PSA values.