14:40:52 Europe / Stockholm


2022-07-05 08:30:00

Associate Professor Tobias Nordström is awarded the European Association of Urology (EAU) "Prostate Cancer Research Award 2022". He receives the award for the study STHLM3-MRI, which shows that Stockholm3, combined with magnetic camera examination (MRI), reduces the number of unnecessary biopsies by 76 percent in a general screening program. A follow-up health economic study also shows that Stockholm3 reduces the number of MRIs by 60 percent over the man's lifetime, which reduces cost and frees up resources.

“Stockholm3 is now available to healthcare providers throughout the EU. Receiving EAU's research award strengthens the interest in Stockholm3 and shows the great value of the test. The fact that Stockholm3 reduces magnetic camera examinations by 60 percent validates that the test is not only better than the standard PSA test, but also that it reduces the costs of care", says David Rosén, CEO of A3P Biomedical.

In 2021, the results of the STHLM3 MRI-study were published in The Lancet Oncology. The Lancet Editorial described the study as "an important step for smarter screening of prostate cancer". The article also won first prize for best oncological abstract at the EAU Congress in 2021. In early 2022, Professor Henrik Grönberg was awarded the "Cancer Researcher of the Year 2022" award by the Cancer Foundation for his world-leading research that enables early detection of prostate cancer. Henrik Grönberg and his team, which includes Tobias Nordström, at Karolinska Institutet have for many years conducted research in the prostate cancer area. This research has, among other things, resulted in Stockholm3, which has been successfully implemented in clinical use since 2017. Now Tobias Nordström also receives EAU's Prostate Cancer Research Award 2022.

Tobias Nordström is a urologist and researcher at Karolinska Institutet. He is one of Sweden's leading experts in prostate cancer. He is clinically active at Danderyd Hospital and the principal (PI) for the STHLM3 MRI study.


Prostate cancer screening using a combination of risk-prediction, magnetic resonance imaging and targeted prostate biopsies: results from the population-based STHLM3MRI trial. T. Nordström, A. Discacciati, M. Bergman, M. Clements, M. Aly, M. Annerstedt, A. Glaessgen, S. Carlsson, F. Jäderling, H. Grönberg, M. Eklund. The Lancet Oncology, online 12 augusti 2021, doi: 10.1016/ S1470-2045(21)00348-X.

Cost-effectiveness of Stockholm3 test and magnetic resonance imaging in prostate cancer screening: a microsimulation study. European Urology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eururo.2021.12.021. Hao, Shuang & Heintz, Emelie & Ostensson, Ellinor & Discacciati, Andrea & Jaderling, Fredrik & Gronberg, Henrik & Eklund, Martin & Nordström, Tobias & Clements, Mark. (2021).