16:44:38 Europe / Stockholm


2024-05-23 10:18:00

Björn Borg (“Björn Borg”, “the Company” or “the Group”) is a well-established and renowned company with a rich history spanning decades, earning its place as a favored brand among a broad consumer base. Nevertheless, the predominant association of Björn Borg with underwear presents a compelling challenge: to transition consumer perception from an underwear brand to a sports fashion brand. This strategic shift, central to the Company’s vision since 2014, has already yielded noteworthy progress, driven by amplified investments in social media and successful launches of new sport collections. Analyst Group foresees an attractive growth trajectory on the horizon, which promises improved margins. The forecasted EBIT for 2024 stands at SEK 124m (127), and by applying a forward EV/EBIT multiple of 11.5x (10.7), this presents a potential value of SEK 56.4 (54.1) per share in a Base scenario.

Read the equity research report here

About Analyst Group: One of Sweden's fastest growing equity research boutiques with a focus on small and medium-sized listed companies.
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This is a press release from Analyst Group regarding the publication of an analysis on Björn Borg AB. Readers may assume that Analyst Group has received compensation for making the commentary. The Company has not been given an opportunity to influence the parts where Analyst Group has had opinions about the Company, future valuation or anything else that could be considered a subjective assessment.