Navamedic ASA (”Navamedic” or ”the Company”) is a Nordic pharmaceutical company offering a diversified portfolio of prescription drugs, consumer health products, and hospital solutions in the Nordic region, the Baltics, and the Benelux region. Following a strategic shift in 2019, transitioning from a distribution-based model to owning brands, Navamedic has enhanced profitability and scalability. The Company’s licensing platform, enabling control over product portfolios and facilitating market expansion, positions Navamedic for sustained growth going forward. Navamedic is estimated to reach an EBIT of NOK 71.1m in 2026 and based on an applied EV/EBIT target multiple of 10.4x, a potential price per share of NOK 37.5 is implied in a Base scenario.
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About Analyst Group: One of Sweden's leading analysis houses with a focus on small and medium-sized listed companies.
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This is a press release from Analyst Group regarding the publication of an independent equity research report on Navamedic. Navamedic has had no opportunity to influence the parts where the Analyst Group has had opinions about the Company, future valuation or anything else that could conceivably constitute a subjective assessment.