21:48:25 Europe / Stockholm


2021-08-05 19:05:00

DanCann Pharma A/S genomförde nyligen en riktad emission om cirka 6,375 MDKK med påkopplade teckningsoptioner som kan tillföra bolaget ytterligare cirka 8,3 MDKK under 2022. I samband med den riktade emissionen meddelade även Bolaget att man tar upp ett brygglån om cirka 13,7 MSEK. Bakgrunden till den riktade emissionen och upptaganden att brygglånet är att Bolaget ser en fortsatt hög efterfrågan tillsammans med höga priser av biomaterial från den tyska marknaden. Kapitaltillskottet möjliggör en expansiv satsning så att DanCann Pharma kan initiera och tidigarelägga sin produktionskapacitet, med 10 ggr mot vad som tidigare kommunicerats, med målsättning att primärt förse den tyska marknaden med cannabisbiomaterial för medicinskt syfte under 2022.

VD Jeppe Krog Rasmussen kommenterar

“The capital injection from our directed issue of shares in combination with the loan facility means a significant strengthening of our financial position, which creates security and focus for the workflow in the Company for best performance. The financing will largely be used to invest in our first facility (BIOTECH PHARM1) and take it from the current setup (proof of concept, expected approved by end-2021) to a commercial scale project, which is expected to be operational during the beginning of 2022 and approved in the mid of 2022 for sales to large export markets.
The progress of our facility (BIOTECH PHARM1) is going as planned, and during the autumn, DanCann Pharma's Executive Management team and Board of Directors intend to make a decision on behalf of DanCann Pharma which German partner(s) will be responsible for the purchase and distribution of the biomaterial and substances (output from BIOTECH PHARM1) to the German market.
With this investment we consider our target to be a well-proportioned size of capacity. We expect to be able to supply approximately 2,500 kilograms of dried biomaterial - at extremely competitive prices, cf. our heavy investments in engineering and automation - which in comparison can supply more than 25% of the current German market for this segment.
I am truly overwhelmed by the interest and trust in DanCann Pharma. With a very exciting pipeline, we are humble for the future and welcome it, and by this we still have a positive intuitive feeling that our warrants from the IPO (TO1 DANCAN) can be exercised in September. I am very honored by the trust and belief in the project from both lenders and investors, new and old. Thanks.”

Kort om DanCann Pharma A/S
DanCann Pharma A/S (SS: DANCAN) was founded in 2018 and is a Danish biopharmaceutical Company powered by cannabinoids. DanCann Pharma is a vertically integrated, licensed production and distribution Company based in Denmark. The Company focuses on discovering, developing, manufacturing, and commercializing new therapeutic cannabinoids in a wide range of disease areas.
DanCann Pharma A/S (SS: DANCAN) is listed on the Spotlight Stock Market in Copenhagen.
For more information, please visit: www.dancann.com
Corpura Fondkommission AB agerade finansiell rådgivare i samband med den riktade emissionen och upptagandet av brygglånet.
För mer information kontakta:
Alexander Kangas
Telefon: +46 72-252 34 51