13:22:33 Europe / Stockholm



2024-11-08 Kvartalsrapport 2024-Q3
2024-08-16 Kvartalsrapport 2024-Q2
2024-05-14 Kvartalsrapport 2024-Q1
2024-05-14 Årsstämma 2025


ListaSmall Cap Stockholm
Karnell är en tillväxtorienterad industriteknikgrupp. Bolagets vision är att förvärva industritekniska produktbolag och nischproducerande bolag för att därefter utveckla dessa verksamheter genom att erbjuda strategisk rådgivning och tillväxtinitiativ genom tilläggsförvärv och expansion till nya marknader. Karnell består av ett antal direktägda koncernbolag, med dotterbolag, uppdelat på två affärsområden: Produktbolag och Nischproduktion. Huvudkontoret är beläget i Stockholm.
2023-03-08 15:50:00

Karnell’s Sustainability Report for the fiscal year 2022 has today been published on the website, www.karnell.se.

”This is the second time that Karnell publishes a Sustainability Report. During the year, we have continued our acquisition strategy and welcomed three new companies as well as made one add-on acquisition in the Group. Similar to last year, ESG consultants have performed an ESG GAP analysis on the new additions to the Group to assess their strategic maturity and risk management as well as future development areas. Our ambition for the coming reporting year is to set quantifiable targets for each commitment within our focus areas with the help of external ESG consultants. However, we are humble and understand that we are only at the beginning of our sustainability work and that it is a continuous learning curve, and for us, ESG remains a work in progress” – Petter Moldenius, CEO.

Stockholm, 8 March 2023

Karnell Group AB (publ)

For additional information, please contact;

Petter Moldenius, CEO at Karnell Group AB (publ), +46 8 545 891 00

Karnell Group AB (publ) is a long-term and active owner of small and medium-sized industrial technology companies in the Nordics. We support the management of our companies, in their continued growth and development of the businesses in which we invest. We have a perpetual investment horizon, thereby providing entrepreneurs and family-owned companies with a responsible and long-term partner, to continue the development of their businesses. Today, Karnell is the majority owner of nine companies in Sweden and Finland and plans to list the group on the stock exchange.