06:17:47 Europe / Stockholm


2023-10-30 14:15:00

Estimates compiled by Modular Finance on behalf of Ambea.

Number of contributors: 4 (all of which have been updated or confirmed before the report)

Ambea, GroupQ3 2023E
Net sales (MSEK)3,337
Organic growth (%)5.0
Adjusted EBITA (MSEK)361
Profit before tax (MSEK)224
Earnings per share (SEK)1.94
Net sales per segment
Nytida (MSEK)1,010
Vardaga (MSEK)1,140
Stendi (MSEK)770
Altiden (MSEK)343
Klara (MSEK)115
Group adjustments (MSEK)-41
Adjusted EBITA per segment
Nytida (MSEK)169
Vardaga (MSEK)99
Stendi (MSEK)78
Altiden (MSEK)9
Klara (MSEK)16
Unallocated items (MSEK)-9

More consensus estimates can be found on Ambea’s webpage: https://ambea.com/investor-relations/the-share/consensus/

Ambea’s Q3 report will be released on Thursday 2 November at 7:00 CET.