Onsdag 15 Januari | 12:40:38 Europe / Stockholm


2024-10-15 15:30:00

Estimates compiled by Modular Finance on behalf of Getinge.

Number of contributors: 11 (all of which have been updated or confirmed before the report)

KPI (MSEK, unless otherwise specified)Q3 2024E
Net sales8,103
Organic growth (%)2.6
Adjusted EBITA1,031
Adjusted EBITA (%)12.7
Adjusted EBIT970
Adjusted EBIT (%)12.0
Net profit175
Adjusted earnings per share (SEK)2.48

Sales per business area
Acute Care Therapies4,234
Life Science1,065
Surgical Workflows2,804

Adjusted EBITA per business area
Acute Care Therapies840
Life Science123
Surgical Workflows161
Group functions- 94

Getinge’s Q3 report will be released on Friday, October 18, at 8:00 am CEST.