05:21:17 Europe / Stockholm


2023-11-16 16:10:00

The Nomination Committee for Novedo Holding AB's (publ) Annual General Meeting 2024 has been appointed in accordance with the instruction for the Nomination Committee adopted by the Annual General Meeting on May 12, 2023.

The Nomination Committee for the 2024 Annual General Meeting consists of the following members:

  • Mouna Esmaeilzadeh appointed by Esmaeilzadeh Holding AB (publ)
  • Fredrik Holmström, appointed by F. Holmströmgruppen AB and
    companies controlled by Fredrik Holmström
  • Marc Cameras, appointed by Cambo Holding AB

In total, the Nomination Committee represents approximately 85 percent of the total number of shares and votes in Novedo Holding AB (publ).

The Nomination Committee has appointed Fredrik Holmström as Chairman of the Nomination Committee.

Shareholders are welcome to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee no later than January 31, 2024, by e-mail to nominationcommittee@novedo.se.