Onsdag 12 Mars | 16:33:07 Europe / Stockholm


2024-09-23 16:15:00

Novedo Holding AB (publ) ("Novedo") has today completed the issuance of senior secured bonds of SEK 1,250 million under a total framework of SEK 2,000 million with a three-year maturity, as announced in a press release dated September 10, 2024.

The condition in the early redemption notice sent to the holders of outstanding bond loan 2021/2024 with ISIN SE0017070980 (the "Bond Loan 2021/2024") on September 10, 2024, has thus been fulfilled.

The Bond Loan 2021/2024 will be redeemed as of October 4, 2024, and the record date for redemption is September 27, 2024.

The conditional notice of early redemption of the Bond Loan 2021/2024 is available on Novedo's website, www.novedo.se, and Nordic Trustee & Agency AB's (publ) website, www.nordictrustee.com.