Onsdag 12 Mars | 17:13:17 Europe / Stockholm


2024-08-18 19:25:00

Novedo Holding AB (publ) ("Novedo" or the "Company") has today adopted updated financial targets to reflect Novedo's growth and profitability targets for the period 2024–2028. The Board of Directors has the ambition to reduce Novedo's debt during this period, but the existing debt target remains for now.

Novedo has shown solid growth and development since its founding, and its net sales approached SEK 3 billion for the full year 2023. To reflect the Company's business plan for the coming five-year period, 2024–2028, concerning growth and profitability, Novedo's Board of Directors has adopted updated financial targets today. The Board has the ambition to reduce Novedo's debt during the period, but the existing debt target remains for now.

Updated financial targets
Growth: >30 percent annual average net sales growth for the next five-year period, of which organic growth in line with market growth in relevant markets (Existing target: >50 percent annual sales growth 2022–2024, including 3 percent organic growth in the medium term).
Profitability: >10 percent adjusted EBITA margin in the medium term. (Existing target: >10 percent annual EBITA margin in the medium term).

Existing debt target
Capital structure: <3.5 times interest-bearing net debt / EBITDA (pro forma).