Lördag 15 Mars | 00:34:59 Europe / Stockholm


2024-01-22 11:10:00

Equity analyst Markus Almerud interviews Maha’s CEO Kjetil Solbraekke about the acquisition of 5% of Brazilian 3R Petroleum. They discuss the rational for the deal, the content of the open letter to 3R’s board, the proposed carveout of the onshore assets and the suggested business combination with PetroReconcavo, the plans with the offshore assets and how one should categorise Maha post the acquisition.

Find the interview on Penser Play: https://youtu.be/w7CCwN9OPsY?si=X7GN-JcNty7qvahf
This is a press release from Carnegie Investment Bank. Read more here: https://epaccess.penser.se/