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Kursutveckling och likviditet under dagen för detta pressmeddelande



ListaFirst North Iceland
Solid Clouds är en spelutvecklare inriktade mot MMO-genren. Idag utvecklar, äger och publicerar bolaget ett utbud av spel anpassade för diverse konsolsystem, datorer samt smarttelefoner. Verksamheten bedrivs genom med störst närvaro inom Norden och Island. Exempel på lanserade och egenutvecklade spel inkluderar exempelvis Starborne.
2022-03-30 21:00:00

30 March 2022

Solid Clouds hf. (First North Iceland: SOLID), the developer of massively multiplayer video games, announced its results for 2021 today.

Key Figures

All figures in ISK millions. Comparative figures from previous year in parentheses.

  • Game revenue 14.4 (63.8)
  • Operating loss before depreciation & financial inc. & expenses 17.8 (profit 9.0)
  • Net loss for the period 34.1 (profit 9.6)
  • Total assets 1,336.6 (658.2)
  • Equity ratio 97.1% (96.3%)

“Our 2021 results reflect the IPO, our continuing investment in our technology framework and the development of our upcoming game, Frontiers,” says Stefán Gunnarsson, Solid Clouds’ Chief Executive Officer. “We are excited that we were able to enter into an external test with 2,000 players in Asia for a technical demo of Frontiers in December after only seven months of development, and with a scheduled release candidate mid-year and a commercial release later in the year.”

The Financial Statements of Solid Clouds hf. for 2021 were approved by the Company’s board of directors and the CEO at a board meeting on 30 March 2022. The Financial Statements were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The Financial Statements have been audited by the Company’s auditors, Deloitte ehf.

Production update

Frontiers entered its first large-scale external test in December when the game was hosted for 2,000 players in Asia. The focus of the development during the first three months of the year has been on user accessibility and infrastructure reliability.

Monthly in-person user tests are conducted to assess accessibility regarding game mechanics and user interfaces. The incorporation of the user feedback has resulted in greater user understanding of game mechanics and user interfaces. 

Reliable and flexible technical infrastructure is essential so that Frontiers will run smoothly on a variety of mobile devices and for the support of a large user base. Solid Clouds has enhanced client/server interactions and network stability, making live updates of the game possible without interrupting play sessions, and deployed the game client successfully to Google Play and Apple Store.

A milestone is scheduled in April, when a new version of Frontiers will be hosted for external testers. This version will include an arena system where players can battle against each other, live events, a complete user interface overhaul and a system inbox for messaging game items and information to users.

A major development milestone is expected in mid-year when the Company plans to introduce the game’s first release candidate (MVP, Minimum Viable Product), which will include key game features. Following development, the release candidate will be subject to calibration until it meets KPI (Key Performance Indicator) requirements with regard to marketing, revenue and customer acquisition costs.

As the Company relies on direct marketing to acquire new users, the Lifetime Value (LTV) of each customer needs to be considerably higher than the cost of user acquisitions to ensure optimal revenue generation. Full marketing efforts can commence after the game reaches KPI requirements. The Company expects that the necessary calibration will be attained in the closing months of the year.

Financial Highlights

Solid Clouds concluded a Pre-IPO investment from Vilano Capital and related parties for ISK 43 m in April and in June/July the Company was listed on the First North Iceland market, raising capital at the same time with Arion Bank as its advisor. The IPO was four times oversubscribed and the Company raised ISK 725 m in the process.

One-time expenses associated with the IPO came to ISK 67.8 m, lowering the share premium in accordance with IFRS.

Solid Clouds is the first gaming company that has been listed on the Icelandic growth market, which is a significant achievement both for the Company and the gaming sector in Iceland. Listing has enabled Solid Clouds to raise capital while strengthening its public profile, reputation and structure.

Operating loss before income tax amounted to ISK 17.8 m, compared to a profit of ISK 9.0 m in 2020. The 2021 results were impacted by recruitment of more staff and focus on the new game, Frontiers.

Revenues from the Company’s first release, Sovereign Space, came to ISK 14.4 m, a drop of 77.5% compared with 2020. This is because Solid Clouds is not currently focusing on driving growth efforts for Sovereign Space, having switched its focus towards the development of its next game, Frontiers. This is reflected in the fact that advertising expenses totalled ISK 3.5 m compared to ISK 31.6 m in 2020, a reduction of 89.1%.

As of 31 December 2021, the Company had cash on hand of ISK 569.6 m.

The Financial Statements are available on the Company’s website: https://www.solidclouds.com/investors/docs

Other Business Highlights

Sigurlína Ingvarsdóttir took the helm of Solid Clouds as its new Chairman of the Board in May 2021. She has extensive experience in the gaming sector as senior producer of titles such as Star Wars Battlefront and FIFA. The Company also strengthened its production capability by agreement with third party vendors in Poland and Spain.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements,” which are inherently uncertain. Readers should therefore be aware that a variety of factors could cause business conditions and results to differ materially from what is contained in our forward-looking statements, and that we do not undertake to update any forward-looking statements.