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Modular Finance AB kommer att hantera vissa av dina personuppgifter om du väljer att prenumerera. Mer information om vår personuppgiftshantering finns här.
2025-02-27 13:30:00
- Several agreements approaching
- Costs in line with expectations
- We have adjusted our fair value to SEK 4.23 per share
The reported figures in Bioextrax's recent Q4 report were close to our estimates. With no significant sales forecast, costs came in as expected. The operating cash flow for the fourth quarter amounted to MSEK -5.4, and the company ends the year with cash holdings of MSEK 17.3. The financial situation of Bioextrax depends on advancements in the projects and when these could generate substantial revenue. Bioextrax is involved in projects where testing and decision making are time consuming processes.
Read the full report here.