Onsdag 12 Mars | 05:42:35 Europe / Stockholm


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2023-05-15 15:30:00
Amniotics COO inbjuden talare på global ATMP kongress
Amniotics AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: AMNI) meddelar idag att bolagets Chief Operating Officer (COO), Jan Talts kommer att tala vid ”4th Global Bioprocessing, Bioanalytics & ATMP Manufacturing Congress”, som äger rum i Dublin 15-16 maj 2023
2023-05-15 15:30:00
Amniotics’ COO invited speaker at global ATMP congress
Amniotics AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: AMNI) today announces that the company Chief Operating Officer (COO), Jan Talts will speak at the “4th Global Bioprocessing, Bioanalytics & ATMP Manufacturing Congress”, taking place in Dublin 15-16 May 2023
2023-05-11 15:10:00
Amniotics presenterar på Aktiedagen i Göteborg
Amniotics ABs (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: AMNI) vd Marcus Larsson kommer presentera bolaget på Aktiedagen i Göteborg måndagen 15e maj 2023. Eventet arrangeras av Aktiespararna
2023-05-11 15:10:00
Amniotics presents at Aktiedagen in Gothenburg
Amniotics AB’s (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: AMNI) CEO Marcus Larsson will present the company at Aktiedagen in Gothenburg Monday May 15, 2023. The event is arranged by Aktiespararna
2022-09-20 17:30:00
Aktiespararna - uppdaterad analys av Amniotics
Läs analysen här: https://www.aktiespararna.se/analysguiden/nyheter/analys-amniotics-godkannande-att-starta-studie-med-pulmostemtm
2022-06-20 09:00:00
Amniotics presenterar positiv preklinisk data för stamcellsbehandling av kemoterapi-inducerad perifer neuropati vid ICRBE 2022
Amniotics AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: AMNI) meddelade idag att ett abstrakt med ny lovande preklinisk data för behandling av kemoterapi-inducerad perifer neuropati (CIPN) med mesenkymala stamceller (MSC) har accepterats för en posterpresentation vid den 16:e International Conference on Regenerative Biology and Engineering (ICRBE) som äger rum den 28-29 juli i Zürich, Schweiz
2022-06-20 09:00:00
Amniotics presents positive preclinical data on stem cell treatment for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy at ICRBE 2022
Amniotics AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: AMNI) today announced that an abstract with new promising preclinical data on the treatment of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) with mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) has been accepted for a poster presentation at the 16th International Conference on Regenerative Biology and Engineering (ICRBE) taking place on July 28-29 in Zurich, Switzerland
2022-05-16 10:00:00
Amniotics deltar i den 3:e Global bioprocessing, Bioanalytics & ATMP Manufacturing Congress 16-17 maj 2022
Amniotics AB:s COO Jan Talts kommer att leda två sessioner vid den tredje Global Bioprocessing, Bioanalytcs & ATMP Manufacturing Congress som kommer att äge rum i Dublin den 16-17 maj
2022-05-16 10:00:00
Amniotics is attending the 3rd Global bioprocessing, Bioanalytics & ATMP Manufacturing Congress 16-17 May 2022
Amniotics COO Jan Talts will be chairing two sessions at the 3RD GLOBAL BIOPROCESSING, BIOANALYTICS & ATMP MANUFACTURING CONGRESS taking place in Dublin the 16-17 of May 2022
2022-02-22 12:00:00
Amniotics kommer att presentera vid följande evenemang:
RedEye “Regenerative medicine and Cell Therapy” 23 februari 2022https://www.redeye.se/events/825130/redeye-theme-regenerative-medicine-cell-therapySACHS 15th Annual European Life Science CEO Forum “Advances in Gene & Cell Therapies Panel” 1 mars 2022https://sachsevent.com/event/15th-elsf/agendaSACHS 15th Annual European Life Science CEO Forum Company Showcase 1-2 mars 2022https://sachseven...
2022-02-22 12:00:00
Amniotics will present at these upcoming Events:
RedEye “Regenerative medicine and Cell Therapy” 23 February 2022https://www.redeye.se/events/825130/redeye-theme-regenerative-medicine-cell-therapySACHS 15th Annual European Life Science CEO Forum “Advances in Gene & Cell Therapies Panel” 1st March 2022https://sachsevent.com/event/15th-elsf/agendaSACHS 15th Annual European Life Science CEO Forum Company Showcase 1st -2nd March 2022https://...
2022-01-25 09:00:00
Amniotics stärker sin kliniska och regulatoriska förmågan
Amniotics AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: AMNI), som utvecklar nya cellterapibehandlingar, har rekryterat och anställt Matilda Hugerth till chef för klinisk utveckling. Amniotics team har också nyligen förstärkts med Lars Larsson, som medicinsk expert inom luftvägssjukdomar. Dessa tillägg stärker bolagets förmåga att utveckla läkemedel samt att den regulatoriska förmågan ökar, vilket bl...
2022-01-25 09:00:00
Amniotics strengthens its clinical and regulatory capabilities
Amniotics AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: AMNI), a developer of novel cell therapy products, has appointed Matilda Hugerth as head of clinical development. Amniotic’s team was also recently strengthened with Lars Larsson, as medical expert within respiratory diseases. The appointments strengthen the company’s internal drug development and regulatory expertise as Amniotics progresses its portfolio...
2021-12-03 14:00:00
Aktiespararna inleder bevakning av Amniotics
Aktiespararna inleder bevakning av Amniotics och skickade idag ut sin första analys: https://www.aktiespararna.se/sites/default/files/amniotics_-_introduktionsanalys_3_dec_2021.pdf
2021-10-12 11:30:00
Redeye initiating coverage of Amniotics
Redeye is initiating coverage of Amniotics and today sent out their first analysis:https://www.redeye.se/research/822503/amniotics-stem-cell-platform-with-regenerative-powers About RedeyeRedeye are specialists in innovative and fast-growing Nordic companies in Life Science and Technology. The company has a market-leading position and offers services in stock analysis, Corporate Finance and Corpora...
2021-07-12 08:00:00
Stem cell therapy company Amniotics raises SEK 60 million before deduction of transaction costs, in First North IPO to advance lead candidate PulmoStem™ into clinic
Novel source of stem cells in full-term amniotic fluid provides basis for broad pipeline
2021-04-13 08:00:00
CEO Kåre Engkilde presented at the annual Cell & Gene Meeting, which was held virtually April 6-9-2021
The Cell & Gene Meeting is organized by the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine. This year featuring more than 90 company presentations by leading public and private companies, highlighting technical and clinical achievements over the past 12 months in the areas of cell therapy, gene therapy, gene editing, tissue engineering, and broader regenerative medicine technologies. The meeting also included...
2020-11-20 08:00:00
Amniotics AB Receives Certificate of GMP Compliance & Manufacturing Authorization Approval
On the 27th of October 2020, Amniotics was approved to carry out activities as a Tissue Establishment by the Swedish Medical Products Agency. The authorization refers to the handling of human tissues and cells intended for the manufacture of medicinal products (ATMPs). Amniotics COO Jan Talts will be Head of Operations and Andreas Herbst, CMO, board member and one of the founders of Amniotics, wil...
2020-10-30 08:00:00
Amniotics approved as Tissue Establishment
On the 27th of October 2020, Amniotics was approved to carry out activities as a Tissue Establishment by the Swedish Medical Products Agency. The authorization refers to the handling of human tissues and cells intended for the manufacture of medicinal products (ATMPs). Amniotics COO Jan Talts will be Head of Operations and Andreas Herbst, CMO, board member and one of the founders of Amniotics, wil...
2020-07-03 08:00:00
Unique stem cells from amniotic fluid
Article in Swedish
2020-07-03 08:00:00
Amniotics is featured on TV4 for their novel source of MSCs to treat COVID-19
2020-07-03 08:00:00
What happens in Swedish virus research?
The Bridge & Medicon Village arranged a #iställetföralmedalen digital event on work & health. https://altitudemeetings.se/jobb-halsa/ Amniotics CEO Kåre Engilde participated in discussions on Swedish virus research. https://vimeo.com/431809235
2020-07-03 08:00:00
Hopes to cure Covid-19 with stem cells – takes in 25 million SEK
Article in Swedish
2020-06-22 08:00:00
Amniotics to Present at the Upcoming 2020 Virtual European Biotech Investor Day 2020
Kåre Engkilde, Chief Executive Officer, plans to present an overview of the company and provide a business update at the upcoming Virtual European Biotech Investor Day 2020 hosted by Solebury Trout, Goodwin, Deutsche Bank and Nasdaq. During the 30 (public company) / 20 (private company) minute presentation, participants will be able to submit questions electronically with answers provided at the ...
2020-04-16 08:00:00
Nine covid-19 medicine and vaccine projects are underway in Medicon Valley. One is Amniotics' lung-specific stem cells against covid-19.
Article in Swedish
2020-04-16 08:00:00
Swedish biotech company near breakthrough in treatment against covid-19 - looking for investors
Researchers at the biotech company Amniotics in Lund has developed a lung specific stem cell for treatment of covid-19. The market for treating lung- and airway diseases is valued at 47 billion Euro. – At present, we are working day and night to finish our process validation. We are in close contact with the Swedish Medical Products Agency (Läkemedelsverket) to initiate a clinical trial and we ...
2020-04-01 08:00:00
Protective clothing
Amniotics™ is currently trying to help the local community as much as possible in the coronavirus crisis. We are donating our protective clothing that we use in our GMP laboratory to Region Skåne. These clothes, designed to minimize spread of particles are only used once by Amniotics™ for sterility purposes, but after that they can function as protective clothing in a non-sterile environment ...
2020-03-18 08:00:00
Longboat Amniotics AB has changed its name to Amniotics AB
Longboat Amniotics AB has changed its name to Amniotics AB, to emphasize our commitment to developing innovative and life-changing treatments based on our cell-based products from amniotic fluid. Our pipeline of cell-therapeutics is based on Mesenchymal Stem Cell, selected for their tissue relevance and regenerative potential. In the process of name change we have also changed our homepage from lo...
2020-03-18 08:00:00
Longboat Amniotics AB recruits a new CEO in Kåre Engkilde, PhD
The Board of Longboat Amniotics announces a change of CEO in the company as from June 1st. Kåre Engkilde, PhD Immunology, currently working for Agilent Technologies in Denmark where he is Development Manager, Clinical & Medical Affairs, is appointed as Longboat’s new CEO as of June. Before working for Agilent, Kåre also worked for Bioneer with Mesenchymal Stem Cells, which is the focus area of...
2020-01-21 08:00:00
Unique stem cells from amniotic fluid
Longboat Amniotics had an article in Dagens Industri (text in Swedish), describing our quick progress and ambitions. https://www.di.se/brandstudio/amniotics/unika-stamceller-ur-fostervatten/
2019-07-03 08:00:00
Almi Invest invests in Longboat Amniotics
Longboat Amniotics raised SEK 20M in a new investment round in June. The Investment will be used for building a GMP production and further develop the pipeline of tissue specific mesenchymal stem cells. https://lnkd.in/em9KDEs
2018-03-26 08:00:00
Fast Development in Longboat Explorers AB
Fast Development in Longboat Explorers AB In March, Longboat Explorers AB has graduated from the Incubator Environment of SmiLe in Lund and it has become “Alumni”. This is in recognition of the company’s fast development from the initial development phase to a position at which the company is deemed ready to continue its development on its own, aiming for a commercial phase that is soon with...
2015-10-16 08:00:00
New stem cell company founded
Researchers Marcus Larsson, Andreas Herbst and Niels-Bjarne Woods at Lund University have discovered a new type of stem cells in amniotic fluid that have unique properties for applications in regenerative medicine. The newly formed company, Longboat Explorers, has invented and patented a method for utilizing these new stem cells, including further processing and final use for medical applications....