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2025-02-17 09:30:00
Nightwish Gin palkittiin UISGE 2025 -tapahtumassa
Arctic Blue Beverages Oy:n uutuus, Nightwish Gin, sai hopeamitalin UISGE 2025 -tapahtumassa kategoriassa "Suomalaiset ginit"

2025-02-10 14:00:00
Arctic Blue Beverages Expands Global Distribution of Nightwish Gin
Strategic partnership with La Maison du Whisky brings Nightwish Gin to a wider international audience

2025-02-06 09:30:00
Arctic Blue Beverages laajentaa long drink -valikoimaansa kahdella uudella maulla
Palkittu Arctic Blue Beverages tuo markkinoille Arctic Blue Long Drink Laku ja Arctic Blue Long Drink Rose -juomat, jotka pohjautuvat brändin menestyksekkääseen ginien ja liköörien valikoimaan. Uutuudet tuovat ainutlaatuisia makuja long drink -kategoriaan ja tulevat saataville Suomessa sekä 12 Euroopan maassa

2025-02-06 09:30:00
Arctic Blue Beverages Expands Long Drink Portfolio with Two New Flavors
Award-winning Arctic Blue Beverages introduces Arctic Blue Long Drink Laku and Arctic Blue Long Drink Rose, inspired by the brand’s successful gin and liqueur portfolio. The new products bring exciting flavors to the long drink category and will be available in Finland and across 12 European countries

2025-01-16 09:00:00
Arctic Blue Beverages Expands Webshop to Five New European Countries
Arctic Blue Beverages has launched an updated Arctic Blue webshop, making it easier than ever for customers in the UK, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, and Spain to enjoy the brand’s award-winning products. The webshop also caters to B2B customers, such as bars and restaurants, in these new markets

2024-12-19 12:31:00
A New Kind of Distillery Opened in the Heart of Helsinki
A brand-new distillery, namely the Arctic Blue Showroom Distillery, opened yesterday in the heart of Helsinki at Kulttuurikasarmi. This innovative distillery is the result of a collaboration between Arctic Blue Beverages and NoHo Partners

2024-12-16 12:00:00
Nightwish Gin – a super-premium gin launched by Arctic Blue Beverages
Arctic Blue Beverages is launching Nightwish Gin, a super-premium gin created in collaboration with the Nightwish band. Known for their globally awarded spirits, Arctic Blue Beverages has partnered with Nightwish to craft a gin that embodies the spirit of Nordic nature and Finnish heritage

2024-10-23 09:00:00
Nordic craftsmanship and design took centre stage in Tokyo: Arctic Blue Beverages and Lundia presented a unique design and taste experience
In the beginning of October, the Embassy of Finland in Tokyo hosted a unique celebration of Nordic design and craftsmanship, featuring two iconic Finnish brands: Arctic Blue Gin and Lundia. This exclusive event introduced the Japanese market to the innovative spirit of Arctic Blue Beverages and the timeless quality of Lundia's solid wood furniture, creating an experience that highlights the synerg...

2024-10-15 08:00:00
Arctic Blue Beverages Launches Arctic Blue Webshop, Offering Direct Delivery to Seven European Countries
Arctic Blue Beverages has launched a new Arctic Blue webshop, enabling customers across Europe to easily purchase the brand's products directly. The Arctic Blue webshop will initially serve consumers in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Austria, and Switzerland. B2B (bars, restaurants, etc.) ordering is available in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Norwa...

2024-09-03 07:00:00
Arctic Blue Beverages awarded the Best Premium Gin Brand in Finland for the second year in a row
Arctic Blue Beverages has been awarded the title of the Best Premium Gin Brand in Finland for the second consecutive year by the Luxury Lifestyle Awards 2024. The Luxury Lifestyle Awards is a prestigious global program that recognizes the finest luxury goods and services worldwide

2024-06-03 11:30:00
Arctic Blue Beveragesin uusin tuote, Arctic Blue Gin Cask Vintage 2023 voitti kultaa
Arctic Blue Beverages ja sen tuotteet jatkavat palkintojen keräämistä kansainvälisissä kilpailuissa. Tällä kertaa Isossa-Britanniassa järjestettävässä International Wine & Spirit-kilpailussa (IWSC 2024)

2024-06-03 11:30:00
Gold for Arctic Blue Beverages' newest product, Arctic Blue Gin Cask Vintage 2023
Arctic Blue Beverages and its products continue to collect awards in international competitions, this time at the International Wine & Spirit Competition (IWSC 2024) held in the UK

2024-04-30 08:00:00
Arctic Blue Beverages wins Double Gold in San Francisco
Arctic Blue Beverages' product portfolio has been awarded multiple awards at the prestigious San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2024. Arctic Blue Gin Rose secured a Double Gold medal, while the company's flagship product, Arctic Blue Gin, was awarded Gold. Additionally, Arctic Blue Laku, a liquorice liqueur crafted in collaboration with Kouvolan Lakritsi, received a Silver medal

2024-04-30 08:00:00
Arctic Blue Beverages voitti tuplakultaa San Franciscossa
Arctic Blue Beveragesin tuoteportfolio on palkittu useilla palkinnoilla arvostetussa San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2024 -kilpailussa. Arctic Blue Gin Rose voitti tuplakultaa, kun taas yhtiön lippulaivatuote, Arctic Blue Gin, voitti kultaa. Lisäksi yhteistyössä Kouvolan Lakritsin kanssa valmistettu lakritsilikööri Arctic Blue Laku palkittiin hopeamitalilla

2024-04-25 08:00:00
Arctic Blue Beverages launching Arctic Blue Gin Cask Vintage 2023
Arctic Blue Beverages is launching Arctic Blue Gin Cask Vintage 2023, adding a new flavour to its award-winning portfolio. The product is an amber-hued gin that has matured for two years in American white oak barrels

2024-04-18 07:00:00
Arctic Blue Beverages tuo markkinoille Long Drinkin
Arctic Blue Beverage on julkaissut kaksi versiota Helsingin vuoden 1952 olympialaisia varten kehitetystä suositusta juomasta, Arctic Blue Long Drink Grapefruit ja Arctic Blue Long Drink Grapefruit Zero Sugar

2024-04-18 07:00:00
Arctic Blue Beverages to launch Long Drink
Arctic Blue Beverages has launched two versions of the popular drink invented for the 1952 Helsinki Olympics, namely Arctic Blue Long Drink Grapefruit and Arctic Blue Long Drink Grapefruit Zero Sugar

2024-04-11 07:00:00
Arctic Blue Gin now available through Amazon Japan
After signing a distribution agreement for the Japanese market in 2023, the successful partnership between Arctic Blue Beverages Oy and ID SHOJI Co., Ltd, importer of premium spirits in Japan, has made Arctic Blue products available on Amazon Japan, among other places

2024-02-12 07:00:00
Vieraile maailman viileimmässä baarissa, Arctic Blue jääbaarissa
Lapland Hotels SnowVillagen Arctic Blue jääbaari on tehty kokonaan jäästä. Joulukuun 2023 avajaisista lähtien SnowVillage ja Arctic Blue jääbaari ovat houkutelleet vierailijoita ympäri maailmaa, tarjoten ainutlaatuisen ja unohtumattoman arktisen kokemuksen

2024-02-12 07:00:00
Visit one of the coolest bars in the world, the Arctic Blue Ice Bar
In Lapland Hotels' SnowVillage you can find the Arctic Blue Ice Bar, a bar made entirely from ice. Since its opening in December 2023, SnowVillage and the Arctic Blue Ice Bar has attracted visitors from around the world, offering a unique and unforgettable Arctic experience

2024-02-05 15:00:00
Arctic Blue palkittiin UISGE 2024 –tapahtumassa
Arctic Blue Beveragesille annettiin viikonlopun UISGE 2024 -tapahtumassa hopeamitali kategoriassa “Suomalaiset ginit”

2024-02-05 15:00:00
Arctic Blue Gin Navy Strength awarded at UISGE 2024
During the weekend, Arctic Blue Beverages’ Navy Strength Gin was awarded with a silver medal in the category “Finnish Gins“ at UISGE 2024

2024-01-23 07:00:00
Pakkausalan "Oscar" annettiin Arctic Blue "Tanssivat revontulet" -lahjapakkaukselle
ScanStar 2023 -kilpailun menestyksen jälkeen "Tanssivat revontulet" -lahjapakkaus on voittanut myös maailmanlaajuisesti arvostetun WorldStar 2024 -palkinnon. Innovatiivisessa ja muovittomassa pakkauksessa on ennennäkemätön, vaikuttava holografinen efekti, joka syntyy monitasoisesta kohokuvioinnista painatuksella ja folioinnilla. Pakkaus on tulosta Starcke Oy:n ja Grano Oy:n onnistuneesta yhte...

2024-01-23 07:00:00
The “Oscar” of product packaging goes to Arctic Blue Gin’s “The Northern Lights” package
Following the success in the ScanStar 2023 competition, Arctic Blue Gin’s “Northern Lights” package has now secured a win on global level, i.e. the WorldStar 2024 award. The innovative, plastic free package has an impressive never-before-seen holographic design featuring multi-level embossing with printing and foiling. The package is a result from a successful collaboration between Starcke O...

2023-12-01 09:00:00
Suuri voitto Arctic Blue Beveragesin tuotteille Lontoossa
Arctic Blue Beveragesin tuotevalikoima jatkaa kansainvälisten palkintojen keräämistä. Tällä kertaa palkinnot tulivat arvostetusta Gin Masters 2023 -kilpailusta, jonka järjesti The Spirit Business. Arctic Blue Gin osoittautui selväksi voittajaksi saaden Master-mitalin Contemporary-kategoriassa ja kultamitalin Super Premium -kategoriassa. Master on korkein mitali, joka jaetaan kyseisessä ki...

2023-12-01 09:00:00
A big win for Arctic Blue Beverages' product portfolio in London
Arctic Blue Beverages' product portfolio continues to collect international awards. This time in the prestigious Gin Masters 2023 competition organised by The Spirit Business. Arctic Blue Gin stands as the clear winner receiving a Master Medal in the contemporary category and a Gold Medal in the super premium category. The Master Medal is the highest medal awarded in said competition

2023-11-30 13:05:00
Arctic Blue Beverages voitti vuoden 2023 Craft Gin Brand –palkinnon
Arctic Blue Beveragesille myönnettiin merkittävä Craft Gin Brand of the Year -titteli Food and Drink Awards 2023 -kilpailussa, jonka järjesti arvostettu brittiläinen lifestyle-lehti LUXlife

2023-11-30 13:05:00
Arctic Blue Beverages awarded Craft Gin Brand of the Year 2023
Arctic Blue Beverages was awarded the prominent title Craft Gin Brand of the Year, in the Food and Drink Awards 2023, hosted by the esteemed British lifestyle magazine LUXlife

2023-11-29 12:00:00
Mahdollisesti maailman viilein baari - vieraile Lapland Hotels SnowVillagen Arctic Blue jääbaarissa
Tällä kaudella voit nauttia Arctic Blue -juomista oikeasti arktisessa ympäristössä. Arctic Blue Beverages ja Lapland Hotels ovat sopineet yhteistyöstä, jonka myötä Arctic Blue -tuotteet ovat laajalti saatavilla Lapland Hotels -ketjussa. Erityinen sopimus tehtiin liittyen Lapland Hotels SnowVillageen, jossa sijaitsee kokonaan jäästä tehty baari, Arctic Blue Ice Bar

2023-11-29 12:00:00
Maybe the coolest bar in the world - visit the Arctic Blue Ice Bar in Lapland Hotels SnowVillage
This season, you can enjoy Arctic Blue drinks in a truly arctic environment. Arctic Blue Beverages and Lapland Hotels have agreed on a collaboration making Arctic Blue products widely available at the Lapland Hotels chain. A special agreement was made around Lapland Hotels SnowVillage, where you will find the Arctic Blue Ice Bar, a bar made entirely of ice

2023-11-22 10:05:00
Uusi Kulttuurikasarmi nyt avoinna yleisölle
Vastavalmistunut Kulttuurikasarmi avasi ovensa yleisölle perjantaina 17.11. Kokonaisuus sisältää ravintoloita, paviljongin, musiikkibaarin, kolmen salin elokuvateatterin ja tapahtumatilan. Ravintola Henry’s Distilleryn keskeltä löytyy ikkuna Arctic Blue Beveragesin maailmaan – nimittäin Arctic Blue Showroom Distillery

2023-11-22 10:05:00
The new Kulttuurikasarmi now open to the public
The brand-new Kulttuurikasarmi with its restaurants, pavilion, music bar, movie theatres and event space opened to the public on Friday 17th of November. In the middle of Kulttuurikasarmi, in the restaurant Henry’s Distillery, you’ll find a window to the world of Arctic Blue Beverages – namely the Arctic Blue Showroom Distillery

2023-09-27 10:00:00
Showcasing Arctic Blue Beverages’ product portfolio at Norex Grand Tasting 2023
Arctic Blue Beverages participated in the Norex Grand Tasting event, held on September 25th in Helsinki. Norex Selected Brands Oy has been Arctic Blue Beverages’ distributor in Finland since the beginning of 2023 and is an important partner for the Company. The annual event is a significant occasion for Norex to introduce and showcase their diverse product portfolio and partners for visitors fro...

2023-09-13 12:12:00
Meet Asko Ryynänen: A Maestro of Distillation and Innovation
In the dynamic, ever-evolving gin industry stands Master Distiller Asko Ryynänen, the visionary craftsman behind Arctic Blue Beverages’ distinguished portfolio. Ryynänen’s journey from the world of whiskey to the art of gin distillation has been marked by passion, innovation, and a resolute commitment to excellence

2023-09-05 11:41:00
Arctic Blue Gin’s “The Dancing Northern Lights” package shines as ScanStar 2023 winner
The innovative, plastic free “The Northern Lights” package with an impressive never-before seen holographic design has been awarded in the ScanStar competition. The recyclable package is a result from a successful collaboration between Starcke Oy and Grano Oy

2023-09-05 11:41:00
Arctic Blue Ginin “Tanssivat revontulet” -lahjapakkaus loistaa ScanStar 2023- voittajana
Innovatiivinen, muoviton “Tanssivat revontulet” -lahjapakkaus vaikuttavalla ennennäkemättömällä holografisella efektillä on palkittu ScanStar-kilpailussa. Kierrätettävä pakkaus on tulosta Starcke Oy:n ja Grano Oy:n onnistuneesta yhteistyöstä

2023-06-26 11:55:00
Arctic Blue Laku palkittiin luokkansa parhaana Singapore World Spirits Competition 2023 -kilpailuissa
Singapore World Spirits Competition 2023 -kilpailu julkisti "Best of Class" ja "Best in Show" -palkinnot. Arctic Blue Lakulle myönnettiin "Best of Class" -titteli, joka annetaan juomakategorian parhaalle edustajalle

2023-06-26 11:55:00
Arctic Blue Laku awarded “Best Of Class” at Singapore World Spirits Competition 2023
Singapore World Spirits Competition 2023 announces “Best of Class” and “Best in Show”. Arctic Blue Laku is granted “Best of Class”, an award that is given to the finest representation within each spirit category

2023-06-13 15:06:00
Arctic Blue Laku gör imponerande debut, vinner dubbel guld i Singapore World Spirits Competition 2023
Den nyligen lanserade Arctic Blue Laku uppnår en imponerande bedrift genom att vinna ett prestigefyllt dubbel guld i sin första tävling – den uppskattade Singapore World Spirits Competition (SWSC) 2023. Singapore World Spirit Competition tillhör Tasting Alliance, allmänt erkänd för att vara värd för de mest inflytelserika sprittävlingarna i världen

2023-06-13 15:06:00
Arctic Blue Laku tekee vaikuttavan debyytin voittamalla tuplakultaa Singaporessa!
Äskettäin lanseerattu Arctic Blue Laku saavuttaa arvostetun tuplakultamitalin ensimmäisessä kilpailussaan – vuoden 2023 maineikkaassa Singapore World Spirits Competition (SWSC)–kilpailussa. SWSC kuuluu Tasting Alliancelle, joka tunnetaan laajalti maailman vaikutusvaltaisimpana juomakilpailujen järjestäjänä

2023-06-13 15:06:00
Arctic Blue Laku makes an impressive debut, wins Double Gold at Singapore World Spirits Competition 2023
The recently launched Arctic Blue Laku achieves an impressive accomplishment by winning a prestigious Double Gold Medal in its first competition - the esteemed Singapore World Spirits Competition (SWSC) 2023. SWSC belongs to the Tasting Alliance, widely recognized for hosting the most influential spirits competitions in the world

2023-05-11 09:50:00
Inspired by Mothers
As we celebrate Mother’s Day this week, Arctic Blue Beverages pays tribute to the invaluable role mother figures play in life. Mothers have also been essential in the creation of our unique products, and the flavours used, particularly cardamom and cinnamon rose

2023-04-27 07:30:00
Arctic Blue Lakun myynnille vauhdikas alku Suomessa
Arctic Blue Laku, kahden palkitun suomalaisen artesaanituottajan yhteistyön tulos, lanseerattiin Suomen markkinalla huhtikuun 2023 alussa. Arctic Blue Beveragesin ja Kouvolan Lakritsin ainutlaatuinen ginipohjainen lakritsilikööri on aloittanut vahvasti kotimarkkinalla. Tuotteen peitto laajeni kattamaan yli 250 Alko-myymälää ympäri Suomen vain muutamassa päivässä

2023-04-27 07:30:00
Arctic Blue Laku off to a great start on the Finnish market
Arctic Blue Laku, a collaboration between two award-winning craft producers from Finland, made its debut on the market in the beginning of April 2023. The unique gin-based liquorice liqueur by Arctic Blue Beverages and Kouvolan Lakritsi has had a strong start on its home market. In only a few days, the product’s distribution footprint grew to cover over 250 Alko stores. Alko is national alcoholi...

2023-04-05 09:00:00
Arctic Blue Beverages lanseeraa premium lakritsiliköörin, Arctic Blue Lakun
Palkittu pohjoismainen juomayhtiö Arctic Blue Beverages tuo markkinoille korkealuokkaisen lakritsiliköörin, Arctic Blue Lakun, yhdessä suomalaisen luksuslakritsivalmistajan Kouvolan Lakritsin kanssa

2023-04-05 09:00:00
Arctic Blue Beverages launches premium liquorice liqueur, Arctic Blue Laku
The award-winning Nordic beverage company Arctic Blue Beverages launches a premium liquorice liqueur, Arctic Blue Laku, together with the Finnish luxury liquorice producer Kouvolan Lakritsi

2023-03-30 10:45:00
Arctic Blue Beverages’ premium products set to conquer British Columbia after great success in Alberta
Arctic Blue Beverages Oy, in partnership with its distributor Joyhall Inc. has had a great start in the Canadian market. Since signing a distribution agreement with Joyhall Inc. in September 2022, Arctic Blue Beverages’ premium products are now available in over 30 retail locations across Alberta. The Company’s distribution footprint in Western Canada continues to expand, with plans to introdu...

2023-03-16 10:30:00
From the sea to the glass – uncovering the story behind Navy Strength Gin
Embark on a journey through time and flavour with Navy Strength gin – a spirit full of history, legends, and a healthy dose of maritime lore
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