Onsdag 12 Mars | 04:50:14 Europe / Stockholm



Robin Danielsson Källmark

Interim Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
+46 72 188 84 09


Dan Pitulia

+44 7849 257 532

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2023-09-05 09:00:00
Coala Life's unique system receives CE-mark according to MDR
Coala Life today proudly announces that its portable ECG solution, Coala Heart Monitor, has been certified as a Class IIa medical device in conformity with the new European Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 (MDR). This is an important milestone for the company and a prerequisite to be able to expand the company's offer in Europe and other markets
2023-09-05 09:00:00
Coala Lifes unika system erhåller CE-märkning enligt MDR
Coala Life är idag stolta över att meddela att företagets portabla EKG-lösning, Coala Heart Monitor, har certifierats som klass IIa medicinteknisk produkt i enlighet med den nya europeiska förordningen för medicintekniska produkter 2017/745 (MDR). Detta är en viktig milstolpe för företaget och en förutsättning för att kunna utöka verksamheten i Europa och andra marknader
2023-08-07 15:00:00
Coala Life is proud to announce certification according to new ISO 27001:2022 standard
Coala Life has passed an independently performed security review through an external audit and received its ISO 27001 re-certification according to the new updated standard of ISO 27001:2022
2023-08-07 15:00:00
Coala Life är stolta över att tillkännage certifiering enligt ny ISO 27001:2022 standard
Coala Life godkänt efter en oberoende extern säkerhetsgranskning för omcertifiering för ISO27001 och godkändes enligt den nya standarden för ISO 27001:2022
2023-07-07 13:00:00
US RPM Market expected to exceed $18 billion by 2026 with a CAGR of 25%, according to Medi-Tech Insight.
According to a newly released report from global healthcare consulting firm Medi-Tech Insight, the US remote patient monitoring (RPM) market will grow in a faster pace than previously anticipated. It is expected to be over $18 billion by 2026 with a CAGR of 25%, according to the report
2023-07-07 13:00:00
Den amerikanska RPM-marknaden förväntas överstiga 18 miljarder USD år 2026, med en CAGR på 25 %, enligt Medi-Tech Insight
Enligt en nyligen publicerad rapport från det globala hälsovårdskonsultföretaget Medi-Tech Insight kommer den amerikanska marknaden för fjärrövervakning av patienter (RPM) att växa i en snabbare takt än tidigare förväntat. Den beräknas enligt rapporten nå över 18 miljarder dollar 2026 med en årlig tillväxttakt på 25
2023-05-26 19:30:00
Coala Heart Monitor as part of digital venture in remote patient monitoring
Stockholm Regional Council will be starting an effort to investigate digital devices in remote patient monitoring this year. Coala Life is one of three partners selected to participate in this pilot project. Around 50 of the patients included in the study have heart conditions, such as atrial fibrillation, and are monitored digitally from their homes. The project is coordinated by Karolinska Unive...
2023-05-26 19:30:00
Coala Lifes hjärtmonitor med i ny digital satsning för hemmonitorering
Region Stockholm startar i år en större satsning på digital hemmonitorering. Coala Life är en av tre utvalda samarbetspartner i pilotprojekten. Bland annat är det ett femtiotal patienter med hjärtproblem så som förmaksflimmer som monitoreras och följs digitalt i sina hem. Projekten koordineras av Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset men bedrivs också på flera andra stora sjukhus i regionen....
2023-02-15 10:00:00
New published study validating diagnostic accuracy of Coala Heart Monitor
Non-invasive Coala Heart Monitor has been validated for diagnostic accuracy, compared to reference standard 12-lead-electrocardiogram, to help detect atrial tachyarrhythmia and atrial fibrillation
2023-02-15 10:00:00
Ny publicerad studie som validerar diagnostisk precision hos Coala Heart Monitor
Coala Heart Monitor har i en nyligen publicerad studie validerats för diagnostisk precision jämfört med referensstandard 12-avlednings-EKG för att diagnostisera förmakstakyarytmi (ATA) och förmaksflimmer (AF)
2021-10-22 15:46:49
Bolagsbeskrivning av Coala Life offentliggörs inför Nasdaq-notering
STOCKHOLM, 22 oktober 2021 – Coala Life meddelar idag att RNB Retail and Brands AB ("RNB") offentliggjort den bolagsbeskrivning av Coala Life som tagits fram med anledning av den transaktion som offentliggjordes den 27 september 2021, varigenom RNB avser förvärva Coala Life AB genom apportemission och notera bolaget på Nasdaq First North. Bolagsbeskrivningen syftar framförallt till att beskr...
2021-10-11 10:46:18
Region Gävleborg inleder TITAN-DM studien på diabetespatienter i samarbete med Coala Life
Stockholm, 11 okt, 2021 - Coala Life, ett ledande bolag inom molnbaserad distansmonitorering av hjärt- och lungsjukdomar, genomför nu i samarbete med forskare vid Region Gävleborg, Uppsala Universitet och Karolinska Institutet en klinisk observationsstudie som syftar till att öka kunskapen om förekomsten av förmaksflimmer hos personer med diabetes. TITAN-DM studien beräknas vara klar under ...
2021-09-27 09:44:00
Coala Life till börsen för att accelerera utvecklingen och intensifiera sin marknadsbearbetning
Stockholm 27 september 2021: Coala Life, ett ledande bolag inom molnbaserad distansmonitorering av hjärt- och lungsjukdomar, går mot en framtid som börsnoterat bolag, genom ett så kallat omvänt förvärv av RNB Retail and Brands AB (”RNB”) som är noterat på Nasdaq i Sverige. Nyheten, som presenterades idag, öppnar nya intressanta möjligheter för en intensifierad utveckling av verksam...
2021-03-17 16:44:00
RedHeart study proves improved health-related quality of life (HRQOL) using the Coala groundbreaking digital technology
Largest clinical study to date on women-only demonstrates that ECG with real-time response to patients helps reduce symptoms of palpitations and increase quality of life. PRESS RELEASE, Uppsala, Sweden, March 17, 2021 – Coala Life today announced the results of the RedHeart Study where the Coala Heart Monitor (“Coala”) was used to evaluate 821 women with palpitation symptoms over 60 days. Go...
2020-12-10 13:43:00
Coala Life launches first direct-to-patient telecardiology service
Coala Life, the award-winning Swedish innovator of real-time remote cardiac monitoring solutions announces the launch of Coala Connect Rx. This new service is offered in the US via an online prescription process in partnership with leading cardiologists. Following a telemedicine-based prescription, a Coala Heart Monitor is shipped directly to the patients’ home, and patient education is provided...
2020-11-23 14:54:01
First patient-reported feasibility study of Coala published in BMJ
In the recently published TEASE-study (BMJ Open, Aug 2020) the Coala Heart Monitor was used to evaluate 100 patients over 28 days following cryptogenic stroke. The second publication (BMJ Open, Oct 2020) now reports the results of the patients’ own stated experience of using the Coala. In summary, the stroke patients reported very high satisfaction with the Coala. The Coala was reported easy to ...
2020-11-23 14:36:23
Coala screens athletic students returning back from COVID-19
Broken Arrow is one of the largest public-school districts in Oklahoma. As students returns back from testing positive for COVID-19, the High School now uses the Coala as a part of the return-to-play process. ”When approached about the Coala, we thought this would be a great thing to have at the high school in all kinds of situations. The time we are living in right now with COVID and health art...
2020-10-07 13:41:00
Scientific publication in the British Medical Journal proves the efficacy of Coala Heart Monitor as part of cryptogenic stroke management
Uppsala, Sweden, October 07, 2020 – Coala Life, today announced the results of a late-breaking trial on cryptogenic stroke (stroke of unknown cause) patients. In the TEASE-study, recently published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ Open, Aug 2020), the Coala Heart Monitor was used to evaluate 100 patients after cryptogenic stroke. Patients were recruited from two stroke units in Sweden that un...
2020-10-07 09:35:00
Vetenskaplig publikation i British Medical Journal påvisar effekten av Coala Heart Monitor som en del av kryptogen strokehantering
Uppsala, 7 Oktober, 2020 – Coala Life tillkännagav idag resultaten från den senaste studien på patienter med kryptogen stroke (stroke av okänd orsak). I TEASE-studien, som nyligen publicerades i British Medical Journal (BMJ Open, Aug 2020), användes Coala Heart Monitor på 100 patienter som rekryterades från två strokeenheter i Sverige som genomgick schemalagd monitorering två gånger pe...
2020-07-22 15:41:08
Coala Life and My Cardiologist to roll-out the largest Real-Time Cardiac Monitoring program in Florida
Irvine, CA, July 22, 2020 / PRN / – Coala Life, the award-winning Swedish innovator of real-time remote cardiac monitoring solutions and the Florida-based My Cardiologist group have partnered to roll-out the most comprehensive cardiac RPM program to date using the Coala Heart Monitor in Florida. The RPM program will include patients in need of longer-term cardiac monitoring in their daily lives ...
2020-06-29 12:49:40
Coala Life och Bayer utökar samarbete kring distansutredning av hjärtpatienter
UPPSALA 29 juni, 2020 – Coala Life och läkemedelsföretaget Bayer AB utökar sitt samarbete och frigör kapacitet för att effektivisera det svenska vårdflödet i en tid då hälso- och sjukvården är hårt ansatt. Nu lanseras Coala Connect, en digital vårdtjänst som möjliggör arytmiutredningar på distans, helt utan behov av fysiska läkarbesök. Personer med hög ålder i kombination me...
2020-06-23 16:51:50
Dr. Jody Galichia talks telemedicine with Coala
Dr. Jody Galichia, legendary interventional cardiologist based in Wichita, Kansas, talks about the transition telemedicine in general and the value of Coala, see the 10-minute clip here
2020-06-23 16:47:34
Coala Cardiology Talks – Dr. Reginald Abraham
Dr. Reginald Abraham, cardiothoracic surgeon based in Orange County, CA, shares how he’s pioneering post procedural monitoring with the Coala, see the 10-minute clip here
2020-06-23 16:34:34
Coala Cardiology Talks – Dr. Gil Vardi
Cardiology Talks on the shift to telemedicine and how real-time monitoring solutions are rapidly changing the possibilities for remote care. Watch this conversation on successful COVID19 telemedicine with Philip Siberg of Coala and Dr. Gil Vardi MD FACC FSCAI, voted one of America’s Best Physicians. “I see Coala taking an important role in Telecardiology for listening to the heart and lungs, a...
2020-06-10 14:18:24
Coala launches first real-time Telemedicine solution for virtual diagnostics of heart and lungs
Integrated medical solution that meets new clinical demands of home-based, real time cardiac and respiratory diagnostics – affordable and reimbursed. Irvine, CA, June 03, 2020 PRN – Coala Life, a Swedish innovator in remote cardiac and respiratory monitoring, has launched the first smartphone powered virtual cardiac and respiratory diagnostics solution with real-time, p-wave based detection of...
2020-05-07 13:35:11
Coala Life and Perry Community Hospital pioneer new rural telemedicine program
Coala Life, the Swedish innovator in remote cardiac and respiratory monitoring and Perry Community Hospital of Tennessee are jointly launching the Perry Virtual remote monitoring program to help improve outcomes for rural Americans. More than 46 million Americans, or 15% of the US population, live in rural areas, according to the CDC. Rural Americans face numerous cardiovascular and respiratory he...
2020-04-17 16:00:00
FDA cleared Coala Heart Monitor now enables virtual heart and lung exams from a patient’s home
Swedish Heart-Lung Home Monitor Expands Indications for use in COVID-19 Respiratory Diagnostic Exams Coala Life, a leading Swedish digital health company has, as supported by FDA’s Emergency Guidance, expanded the indication for use enabling physicians to remotely, in real-time, monitor patients’ hearts and lung sounds. The Coala Heart Monitor makes it possible for home quarantined patients to...
2020-04-15 15:00:15
Coala Life expands indications to enable remote respiratory patient monitoring
Stockholm, Sweden and Irvine, CA, US - April 15th, 2020 – Coala Life, the pioneer in remote and real-time cardiac monitoring solutions, today announces expanded functionality of the Coala Heart Monitor allowing for remote lung auscultation using the existing integrated digital stethoscope. The Coala has recently been made available in the US for home enrolled cardiac monitoring, eliminating the ...
2020-04-08 10:39:00
Donald beat his AF thanks to Coala – without feeling like a patient
Donald has a family history of heart disease. Since his late 40’s, he’s been troubled by sporadic arrythmias that have come and gone. Thanks to the Coala Heart Monitor, though, he is now properly diagnosed and enjoying a healthy life as a retired engineer. “The first time the heart struck me was back in 1995. My legs went weak. I felt dizzy and thought I was having a heart attack,” Donald ...
2020-03-23 14:48:31
Telemedicine 2020 – virtual cardiac diagnostics by Coala
The Coala Heart Monitor is truly a digital revolution for the heart. Here are the three key reasons why patients, providers and payors simply love it – and has been used by thousands of patients. 1. It’s patch-free and easy to useConventional cardiac monitors and ECG patches most often require you to wear a sticky and itchy patch on your chest for several days to collect data. Application of p...
2020-03-23 11:17:44
Unleashing the power of your heart – pitching to win
Dubbed the “elevator pitch expert” by the Wall Street Journal, Nathan Gold is a world-renowned leader in coaching industry leaders and entrepreneurs to get their story right and harness their speaking anxiety. “Your personal electricity is generated by your heart. And getting your pitch right means elegantly unleashing the power of your heart to captivate your audience” says Nathan holding...
2020-03-16 16:15:00
Coala Life is ready to support remote management of high-risk cardiovascular patients
In response to COVID-19 and its impact on patient care, Coala Life stands ready to scale-up operations in an effort to enable a continuum of care; addressing individuals with cardiovascular disease who are among the highest risk groups of adverse outcomes from COVID-19. Enabling home-based cardiac monitoringThe Coala Heart Monitor service enables real-time remote cardiac monitoring, without needs ...
2020-03-06 10:19:12
Expert review article on Coala published
A new peer-reviewed article in the scientific journal Expert Review of Medical Devices profiles the Coala Heart Monitor by researchers and clinicians of the Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm. The article reviews the proprietary dual-lead ECGs and algorithms for automatic interpretation of heart rhythms based on both RR-dispersion and P-wave morphology to diagnose ...
2020-01-07 10:41:00
Coala-Life and Asahi Kasei enter Technology Partnership in Japan
Stockholm, January 7, 2020 – Swedish digital health company Coala Life today announced a research and development partnership with Asahi Kasei Corporation in Japan. The collaboration includes a development program and feasibility research targeting Heart Failure (HF) patients in Japan.Nearly one million patients are suffering from Heart Failure (HF) in Japan. The country also has the highest pro...
2019-12-19 15:21:00
Coala Life partners with High Desert Heart Institute to pioneer digital cardiac monitoring solutions
IRVINE, December 19, 2019 – The High Desert Heart Institute in California, part of nationwide Prime Healthcare group, has signed a partnership with Coala Life to utilize the Coala Heart Monitor on a broad scale. The agreement constitutes the first major healthcare provider contract for Coala Life in the US following recent market launch. Clinical goals are to engage patients and thereby improve ...
2019-12-11 14:43:00
Coala Life appoints Christian Pitulia Chief Commercial Officer CCO
STOCKHOLM, DECEMBER 11, 2019 –In order to continue our strategic drive to grow the health care business and align our sales and marketing efforts the role Chief Commercial Officer has been created. With the recent FDA clearance for Coala in the US and the subsequent launch in the US, Germany and soon the Netherlands, the professional segment is becoming a more important focus for Coala Life and ...
2019-11-22 17:22:00
Aleris and Coala Life in collaboration to digitize cardiac care
STOCKHOLM, November 22, 2019 – Implementation of the Coala Heart Monitor leads to higher clinical efficiency, lower costs, shorter waiting lists and higher patient satisfaction. That is the results of a clinical evaluation performed at the Cardiology Clinic at Aleris Sabbatsberg.In 2019, Aleris Cardiology Clinic at Sabbatsberg hospital used Coala Heart Monitor to perform digital arrhythmia asses...
2019-11-22 07:00:00
Aleris och Coala Life i samarbete för att digitalisera hjärtsjukvården
STOCKHOLM, 22 November, 2019 - Införandet av Coala Heart Monitor Pro leder till effektivare processer, lägre kostnader, kortare vårdköer och ökad patientnöjdhet. Det visar en klinisk utvärdering som genomförts vid Aleris Hjärtmottagning Sabbatsberg. Aleris Hjärtmottagning på Sabbatsbergs sjukhus har under 2019 använt Coala Heart Monitor Pro för att utföra digitala arytmi...
2019-10-02 14:00:00
Coala Life launches in the US
Irvine, CA, US - October 2nd, 2019 – Swedish digital health company Coala Life today announced its market launch in the US in collaboration with leading US cardiologists and healthcare providers. The launch follows recent FDA clearance for the Coala Heart Monitor and subsequent A-series funding.The Coala Heart Monitor (“Coala”) is a real-time cardiac monitoring system that was introduced in ...
2019-08-30 17:00:00
Coala Life inleder samarbete med Luscii för lansering i Nederländerna
Coala Life expanderar och lanserar på den Nederländska marknaden genom ett samarbete med Luscii healthtech. Nederländerna, med sjukvårdskostnader som närmar sig 100 miljarder dollar, är ett stort och inflytelserikt nav i den europeiska medicintekniska industrin som återkommande rankas som en av de fem största marknaderna för medicintekniska produkter.Det svenska medicintekniska företaget...
2019-08-30 17:00:00
Coala Life partners with Luscii to enter the Dutch market
STOCKHOLM August 30, 2019 – Today Coala Life announces entry into the Dutch market in partnership with Luscii. The Netherlands, with healthcare expenditures approaching $100 Bn, is a major and influential hub in the European medical device industry frequently ranked in the top 5 global medical device markets.The Swedish medtech company Coala Life, pioneer in digital cardiac diagnosis and user-ce...
2019-06-27 10:59:00
Coala Life raises an additional SEK 11 million in growth capital
STOCKHOLM, JUNE 27th, 2019. Coala Life today announced the expanded closing of previously announced A-series round of approximately SEK 11 million. The proceeds are intended to accelerate the commercialization process and establish the company on the US market. Investors includes the investment company Blue and members of the management team. Swedish medical technology company Coala Life, the pion...
2019-06-27 10:55:00
Coala Life reser ytterligare 11 miljoner kronor i expansionskapital
STOCKHOLM 2019-06-27. Coala Life har idag rest ytterligare drygt 11 miljoner kronor i expansionskapital för att accelerera kommersialiseringen och etablera bolaget på den amerikanska marknaden. Rundan har huvudsakligen tecknats av Blue, ett svenskt investmentbolag, samt av ledande befattningshavare i bolaget.Det svenska medicinteknikföretaget Coala Life, pionjären inom digital hjärtdiagnostik...
2019-06-20 16:37:00
Coala Life stärker organisationen inför internationell expansion
STOCKHOLM 2019-06-20. Styrelsen för Coala Life har idag beslutat utse Dan Pitulia till ny Verkställande Direktör för Coala Life AB. Nuvarande VD Philip Siberg kommer att leda etableringen av Coala Life Inc. på USA-marknaden. Vidare har ett antal nyckelrekryteringar genomförts inom ramen för bolagets tillväxtstrategi. Det svenska medicinteknikföretaget Coala Life erhöll under våren 2019 ...
2019-06-12 12:23:00
Coala Life partners with Arteriomed to enter the German market
STOCKHOLM June 12, 2019 – Today Coala Life announces international expansion and entry into the German market. Coala Life has partnered with Arteriomed GmbH, a leader in supplying the German market with patient-centered medical solutions. Germany is the largest medical device market in the European Union and Coala Life’s products will be available on the market from Q3 2019.The Swedish medical...
2019-06-12 12:13:00
Coala Life går in på tyska marknaden
STOCKHOLM, 12 juni, 2019 – Coala Life expanderar internationellt och träder in på den tyska marknaden genom ett tecknat samarbets- och distributionsavtal med Arteriomed GmbH, en ledande aktör med inriktning mot patientcentrerade medicinska lösningar. Tyskland är den största medicintekniska marknaden i Europa och Coala Lifes produkter kommer att finnas tillgängliga på tyska och österriki...
2019-04-24 17:21:00
Coala Life secures USD 10 million for expansion into the US market
STOCKHOLM April 24, 2019 - Coala Life today announces the closing of an A-series round of approximately USD 10 million (SEK 92 million) raised from Swedish institutional and private investors. The proceeds are intended to accelerate the commercialization and establish the company on the US market. Investors include 20 North Street, Larry Leksell, Anders Nyrén as well as founders and management.Th...
2019-04-24 17:09:00
Coala Life reser 92 miljoner kronor i expansionskapital inför etablering på USA-marknaden
STOCKHOLM 2019-04-24. Coala Life har idag rest 92 miljoner kronor i expansionskapital från svenska institutionella och privata investerare. Kapitalet är avsett för att accelerera kommersialiseringen och etablera bolaget på den amerikanska marknaden. Bland investerarna ingår bland annat 20 North Street, Anders Nyrén, Larry Leksell och ledande befattningshavare i bolaget.Det svenska medicintek...