21:39:08 Europe / Stockholm

Bifogade filer

2024-05-23 14:15:49

The annual general meeting (AGM) of DOF Group ASA was held today as a digital meeting with online participation. All proposals on the agenda were adopted, cf. the notice of the AGM that was published on 2 May 2024. 

The AGM elected five board members. Svein Harald Øygard was re-elected as chair of the board, Harald Lauritz Thorstein, Daniela Maia Ribeiro Fernandez Davila and Christine J. Brennet were re-elected as board members, and Adrian Geelmuyden was elected as a new board member. The election and re-elections are for the period until the annual general meeting in 2025. The board of DOF Group ASA thus consists of the following persons: 

Svein Harald Øygard (chair of the board)
Harald Lauritz Thorstein
Daniela Davila
Christine J. Brennet
Adrian Geelmuyden

The complete minutes of the annual general meeting are attached to this release and are also available on www.dof.com

For further information, please contact: 
Mons S. Aase, CEO, DOF Group ASA 
Phone: + 47 91 66 10 12
E-mail: mons.aase@dof.com

Hilde Drønen, CFO, DOF Group ASA
Phone: + 47 91 66 10 09
E-mail: hilde.dronen@dof.com