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Kursutveckling och likviditet under dagen för detta pressmeddelande


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2024-05-08 X-dag ordinarie utdelning ENZY 0.00 SEK
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ListaFirst North Stockholm
Enzymatica är ett life science-bolag som utvecklar och säljer medicintekniska produkter mot infektionsrelaterade sjukdomar. Produkterna baseras på barriärteknologi, som inkluderar marina enzymer. Bolagets första produkt är ColdZyme® Munspray som kan förhindra förkylning, och kan förkorta sjukdomsperioden. Produkten har lanserats på flertalet marknader och strategin är att expandera till fler marknader via samarbetspartners. Huvudkontor ligger i Lund.
2023-09-21 11:55:00

The first results from an ongoing independent clinical study at the University of Kent, UK, show that ColdZyme® significantly reduces the viral load of rhinovirus, the predominant cause of the common cold. Additionally, participants who used ColdZyme experienced significantly less severe sore throat symptoms than those who used placebo.

The researchers are assessing the efficacy of ColdZyme mouth spray on upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) parameters, including viral load, in a randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trial, under free-living conditions in endurance athletes (e.g. runners, cyclists, triathletes). The final study is expected to be published in 2024. The interim results have been submitted for presentation at a scientific conference, and are currently under review, hopefully for presentation early in 2024.

"Data from the preliminary report and interim analysis suggest that ColdZyme was effective in significantly reducing the viral load. Also, we found a significant reduction of sore throat symptoms in the group that was treated with ColdZyme. There appears to be differences emerging for the other subjective data, in relation to URTI symptoms, and the amount of training days affected, which have not reached statistical significance at this stage. However, the trends are clear, and we hypothesize that many of these will be statistically significant once we achieve the target sample size and collect more data. We hypothesize that the reductions we have seen in viral load in the ColdZyme group will be associated with a shorter episode duration and fewer training days lost", said Professor Glen Davison, head of the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences at the University of Kent.

"These first results from the preliminary report open up substantial commercial opportunities for Enzymatica. We believe that the data can facilitate launches of ColdZyme in new markets, as well as allowing us and our partners to strengthen marketing messages. We look forward to the final results, but already these first findings constitute an important milestone for us", said Claus Egstrand, CEO of Enzymatica.

The trial is investigator initiated, prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled, and randomized. So far, it comprises 51 endurance athletes divided into two groups, one which received ColdZyme and the other placebo. Participants kept a training log and filled out a daily questionnaire on upper respiratory tract infection symptoms. When participants experienced symptoms, they were instructed to take self-swabs from their throat and start using the mouth spray according to instructions. The trial builds on a previous study in 2020 by the same research team, showing that ColdZyme reduces the duration and symptoms of common cold in endurance athletes. Read more about that study here: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17461391.2020.1771429  

ColdZyme is a prescription free mouth spray that is sold in more than 30 markets on four continents. It is also marketed under brand names such as ViruProtect®, Physiomer®, Bisolviral® and ADerogyl®.

The information in this press release is information that Enzymatica is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out below, at 11:55 CET on September 21, 2023.


Claus Egstrand, CEO, Enzymatica AB
Phone: +44 7780 22 8385 | Email:claus.egstrand@enzymatica.com

Stefan Olsson, Communication Manager, Enzymatica AB
Phone: +46708 55 11 85 | Email:stefan.olsson@enzymatica.com

Enzymatica AB is headquartered in Lund, Sweden, and is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. For more information, see www.enzymatica.com
Erik Penser Bank is Enzymatica's Certified Adviser.