Lördag 26 Oktober | 01:57:05 Europe / Stockholm
2024-09-23 17:39:46

Reference is made to announcement from Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (the "Company") earlier regarding the Special Meeting of Shareholders having resolved, among other things, a change in the name of the Company from "Gaming Innovation Group Inc." to "Gentoo Media Inc." 

The Company's Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, reflecting the change of name, has today been filed with the Company Secretary of the State of Delaware, and the name change is now effective. The Company will initiate the name and ticker change on the Oslo Stock Exchange and Nasdaq Stockholm, expecting the changes to be effective from 25 September 2024. The ticker for the shares listed on Oslo Stock Exchange will change from "GIG" to "G2MNO", while the ticker for the shares listed on Nasdaq Stockholm will change from "GIGSEK" to "G2M". This is an administrative matter and shareholders do not need to take any action. The Company's ISIN code will remain unchanged, US36467X2062.

The Board of Directors will now initiate the final steps of the restructuring process through which the GiG Platform business will be spun off to operate as an independent public company, GiG Software PLC, (the "Spinoff"). The assets and subsidiaries of the GiG Platform business will be extracted from the Company and distributed to the shareholders in the form of depository receipts in GiG Software PLC, i.e. Norwegian Depository Receipts (NDRs) to investors holding shares in Euronext Securities Oslo (VPS) and Swedish Depository Receipts (SDRs) to investors holding shares in Euroclear Sweden. The Spinoff will result in the Company being split into two separate unaffiliated public companies. The Media Business will remain with the Company and continue as Gentoo Media Inc. For further details, please see the notice to the Special Meeting of Shareholders as announced on 4 September 2024 and the key date announcement dated 12 September 2024. 

For further information, please contact:
Mikael Riese Harstad, Chairman of the Board, mikael.harstad@gig.com,+44 7984183850
Tore Formo, Group CFO of GiG, tore@gig.com,+47 916 68 678

About Gaming Innovation Group (GiG)
Gaming Innovation Group is a leading iGaming technology company, providing solutions, products and services to iGaming Operators. Founded in 2012, Gaming Innovation Group's vision is `To be the industry leading platform, sportsbook and media provider delivering world class solutions to our iGaming partners and their customers.  GiG's mission is to drive sustainable growth and profitability of our partners through product innovation, scalable technology and quality of service. Gaming Innovation Group operates out of Malta and is dual-listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol GIG and on Nasdaq Stockholm under the ticker symbol GIGSEK. www.gig.com