Måndag 28 Oktober | 09:49:34 Europe / Stockholm

Bifogade filer

2024-07-05 18:00:00

As previously announced, a new organisation came into force in the Bank on April 1 2024, with the objective to create a more efficient and business oriented organisation by enhanced decentralisation.

The new organisation affects the segment reporting as follows:
  • To the business segment Handelsbanken Sweden parts of the former central HR, Finance and Communication units, as well as the Financial Crime Prevention unit, have been transferred. These parts were previously included in Other units not reported in the business segments. In addition, parts of the business support which were previously included in the segment Handelsbanken Capital Markets have been transferred to Handelsbanken Sweden.

  • To Handelsbanken Markets (previously Handelsbanken Capital Markets) parts of the IT department have been transferred. These parts were previously included in Other units not reported in the business segments.

  • To Other units not reported in the business segments the operations in Luxembourg and New York, i.e. operations outside the home markets, have been transferred. These units were previously included in Handelsbanken Capital Markets.

Restated historical figures for the latest nine quarters are available at handelsbanken.com/ir.

For further information, please contact:
Peter Grabe, Head of Investor Relations, +46 70 559 11 67

This information is of the type that Handelsbanken is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act. For more information about Handelsbanken, see: www.handelsbanken.com