Söndag 9 Mars | 16:17:26 Europe / Stockholm

Bifogade filer


Est. tid*
2024-10-29 - Kvartalsrapport 2024-Q3
2024-08-08 - Kvartalsrapport 2024-Q2
2024-04-18 - Kvartalsrapport 2024-Q1
2024-04-02 - X-dag ordinarie utdelning NEXCOM 0.00 DKK
2024-03-27 - Årsstämma
2024-03-15 - Bokslutskommuniké 2023
2023-10-26 - Kvartalsrapport 2023-Q3
2023-08-24 - Kvartalsrapport 2023-Q2
2023-04-20 - Kvartalsrapport 2023-Q1
2023-04-03 - X-dag ordinarie utdelning NEXCOM 0.00 DKK
2023-03-31 - Årsstämma
2023-03-16 - Bokslutskommuniké 2022
2022-11-24 - Kvartalsrapport 2022-Q3
2022-08-25 - Kvartalsrapport 2022-Q2
2022-05-19 - Kvartalsrapport 2022-Q1
2022-04-11 - X-dag ordinarie utdelning NEXCOM 0.00 DKK
2022-04-08 - Årsstämma
2022-03-17 - Bokslutskommuniké 2021
2021-11-19 - Kvartalsrapport 2021-Q3
2021-08-31 - Kvartalsrapport 2021-Q2
2021-05-21 - Kvartalsrapport 2021-Q1
2021-04-07 - X-dag ordinarie utdelning NEXCOM 0.00 DKK
2021-04-06 - Årsstämma
2021-03-31 - Bokslutskommuniké 2020


ListaFirst North Denmark
Nexcom är verksamt inom IT-sektorn. Bolaget är specialiserat inom utveckling av diverse mjukvarulösningar. Programvaran är egenutvecklad och används huvudsakligen för digitalisering, struktur -och kravprocesser. Kunderna består av företagskunder verksamma inom ett flertal industriella sektorer.Utöver huvudverksamheten erbjuds diverse mervärdestjänster. Störst verksamhet återfinns inom Nordamerika och Europa.
2024-08-08 16:59:10

Nexcom enters new customer agreements and releases new versions of technology in busy H1.

  • The revenue grew from TDKK 3,688 in H1 2023 to TDKK 3,831 in H1 2024, mainly as the new major contracts were signed Q2 with expected revenue impact in H2 2024
  • Costs remains in control and were further reduced from TDKK -4,021 in H1 2023 to TDKK -3,575 in H1 2024.
  • Customer loyalty remains high as there was, again, no churn of annual contracts in H1 2024.
  • Signed a multi-national re-seller agreement of VIBE with the Danish IT company Finn Frogne A/S, the largest supplier of IT solutions to the taxi-industry in the Nordic region.
  • Extended multi-year agreement with Nuuday, the Danish telco company, with a potential total value of approx. TDKK 2,500
  • Signed a contract with a large Nordic media company to deliver a customer service AI to service Chat and E-mail channels, and potentially future AI services to create a convenient service experience.
  • Annual Shareholders meeting was held on March 27th 2024, where Charlotte Enlund and Christian Hein Nielsen were re-elected to the board at the at the annual shareholders meeting, and where Pia Gardø Riise did not seek re-election. The company wishes to thank Pia for 3 years of dedicated board work and valuable assistance.
  • New members of the board are Peter Ott, Torben Haase and Thomas Krogh Skou, adding skills on both strategic levels as well as commercial competences.
  • New Chairman of the Board, Torben Haase, was appointed at board meeting April 9th, 2024, where Christian Hein Nielsen also stepped down from the board of Nexcom.
  • VIBE, a new voice interfaced bot engine, based AI product successfully implemented in H1 2024, that has almost limitless interface options and can assist customers though its advanced voice capabilities.
  • The Company has established an Advisory Board, that will assist and advice the company in commercial matters, such as Go To Market strategies and other market approaches. At present there are 2 members from the company's side, the CEO and Chair and 2 external members, Christian Hein Nielsen and Niels Kaae. The company is pleased the have both capacities affiliated.


Continuing the strategy in place for the company has proven crucial, in the efforts to create growth through entering new contracts. The market for AI based products is expanding and growing at an extreme pace, and with the CX expertise that Nexcom can incorporate into its product design and implementation, it is the management's belief that Nexcom can extend its growth and achieving its objectives within its existing markets, as the market is entering a phase where AI capabilities alone are not enough to satisfy a maturing and ever more demanding marketplace.

The company is well positioned to scale in line with entering new agreements and has the capacity to grow substantially with just limited added resources. The financial nature of the agreements entered into in H1 will have full effect after a period of time, and the Company will therefore benefit from these agreements long term.

The management believes the previous year's adjustments to the operation has resulted in a sound and scalable cost structure supporting the company's growth moving forward.


This report contains forward-looking statements based on management's current expectations. All statements about the future are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties, and many factors can lead to actual results and developments that differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements.


Rolf Adamson | CEO
Phone: +45 45 76 48 20

E-mail : press@nexcomglobal.com


Nexcom A/S Kapital Partner A/S

Toldbodgade 59B, K9Ewaldsgade 7-9

1253 Copenhagen K2200 Copenhagen N.

Phone. +45 4576 4820Phone. + 45 8988 7846


INCOME STATEMENT H1 2024 [January 1st - June 30th, 2024]

The report has not been audited.

|TDKK |H1-2024|H1-2023|
|Revenue |3,831 |3,688 |
|TOTAL REVENUE |3,831 |3,688 |
|Personnel |-4,338 |-3,914 |
|Other external costs |-3,068 |-3,794 |
|EBITDA |-3,575 |-4,021 |
|Depreciation |-1,900 |-1,912 |
|EBIT |-5,475 |-5,932 |
|Financial expenses |306 |-1,086 |
|PROFIT/LOSS BEFORE TAX|-5,169 |-7,018 |
|Tax |0 |-17 |
|PROFIT/LOSS AFTER TAX |-5,169 |-7,035 |

|Number of employees |14 |
|Outstanding shares |18,805,325|
|Earnings pr, share (DKK)|-0.27 |

  • The revenue amounts to TDKK 3,831 and slightly up vs. same period last year due to customer agreements that have, however, not had full impact yet.
  • EBITDA represents a loss of TDKK -3,575 and have reduced compared with the same period last year, demonstrating a significant level of cost control.
  • Financial expenses impacted by a lower level of interest-bearing debt and unrealized exchange rate adjustments.
CASHFLOW STATEMENT H1 2024 [January 1st - June 30th, 2024]

The report has not been audited.

|TDKK |H1-2024|H1-2023|
|Profit/loss before financial items and tax (EBIT)|-5,475 |-5,932 |
|Depreciation and amortization |1,899 |1,911 |
|Adjustment for other non-cash items |427 |3,127 |
|Financial costs paid |-268 |-211 |
|Other operating effects |-34 |0 |
|Income taxes paid/received |0 |-17 |
|Payments for intangible assets |-466 |-485 |
|Payments for tangible assets |0 |0 |
|Proceeds from capital increase |0 |2,393 |
|Short term convertible loans |4,750 |0 |
|Proceeds from short term borrowing |0 |-463 |
|Repayment of loans |-672 |-400 |

|TDKK |H1-2024|H1-2023|
|Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year|-105 |453 |
|Net cash flow for the year |161 |-76 |
|Exchange rate adjustments on cash/cash equivalents |0 |0 |

BALANCE SHEET SUMMARY H1 2024 [January1st-June30th, 2024]

The report has not been audited.

|TDKK |H1-2024|H1-2023|
|ASSETS | | |
|Intangible assets |13,721 |16,250 |
|Material assets |29 |43 |
|Deposits |50 |48 |
|TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS|13,800 |16,341 |
|TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS |6,480 |1,111 |
|TOTAL ASSETS |20,280 |17,452 |

|TDKK |H1-2024|H1-2023|
|Share capital |9,402 |7,512 |
|Capital increase |0 |1,915 |
|Retained earnings |-8,125 |-12,115|
|Foreign currency translation reserve|-603 |-266 |
|EQUITY |674 |-2,954 |
|Long-term liabilities |3,983 |14,694 |
|Short-term liabilities |13,759 |4,631 |
|Other debt |1,864 |1,081 |
|LIABILITIES |19,606 |20,406 |

EQUITY STATEMENT H1 2024 [January1st-June30th, 2024]

The report has not been audited.

|TDKK |Share |Share |Reserve for foreign |Retained earnings|Equity|
| |Capital|premium|currency translation| | |
|Equity |9,402 |- |-57 |-2,956 |6,389 |
|January 1, | | | | | |
|2024 | | | | | |
|Exchange rate|- |- |-546 |- |-546 |
|adjustment | | | | | |
|Profit/loss |- |- |- |-5,169 |-5,169|
|for the | | | | | |
|period | | | | | |
|EQUITY JUNE |9,402 |- |-603 |-8,125 |674 |
|30, 2024 | | | | | |

  • The company's equity totals TDKK 674 as of June 30th, 2024.
MANAGEMENT STATEMENT H1 2024 [January 1st - June 30th, 2024]

The report has not been audited.

The Board of Directors and Management have today considered and approved the interim financial report of Nexcom A/S for the first half year of 2024. The interim financial report has not been audited or reviewed by the company's independent auditors.

The interim financial report for the first half year of 2024 has been prepared in accordance with the provision of the Danish Financial Statements Act for Accounting Class B with the option of certain principles for Accounting Class C and additional disclosure requirements for companies admitted to trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those applied in the annual report 2024.

In our opinion the accounting policies applied are appropriate to the effect that the interim financial report gives a true and fair view of the company's assets, liabilities, cashflow and financial position on June 30th, 2024. Furthermore, in our opinion, the Management review gives a true and fair view of the development in the activities and the financial situation, the financial result for the period and the financial position of the company, Nexcom.

Risks and uncertainties have not changed in relation to the conditions mentioned in the company description prepared in connection with Nexcom share listing on Nasdaq First North Growth Market, Copenhagen. The annual report 2024 is available at Nexcomglobal.com

Copenhagen August 8th, 2024


Rolf Adamson



Torben HaaseCharlotte EnlundPeter OttThomas Krogh Skou