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2020-11-10 Kvartalsrapport 2020-Q3
2020-08-11 Kvartalsrapport 2020-Q2
2020-05-28 Extra Bolagsstämma 2020
2020-05-15 X-dag ordinarie utdelning SMF 0.00 SEK
2020-05-12 Kvartalsrapport 2020-Q1
2020-03-03 Bokslutskommuniké 2019
2019-11-04 Kvartalsrapport 2019-Q3
2019-07-05 Kvartalsrapport 2019-Q2
2019-05-10 X-dag ordinarie utdelning SMF 0.00 SEK
2019-05-07 Kvartalsrapport 2019-Q1
2019-03-05 Bokslutskommuniké 2018
2018-08-07 Kvartalsrapport 2018-Q2
2018-05-11 X-dag ordinarie utdelning SMF 0.00 SEK
2018-05-10 Årsstämma
2018-05-08 Kvartalsrapport 2018-Q1
2018-03-06 Bokslutskommuniké 2017
2017-11-08 Kvartalsrapport 2017-Q3
2017-08-09 Kvartalsrapport 2017-Q2
2017-05-05 X-dag ordinarie utdelning SMF 0.00 SEK
2017-05-04 Årsstämma
2017-05-03 Kvartalsrapport 2017-Q1
2017-03-08 Bokslutskommuniké 2016
2016-11-09 Kvartalsrapport 2016-Q3
2016-08-10 Kvartalsrapport 2016-Q2
2016-05-13 X-dag ordinarie utdelning SMF 0.00 SEK
2016-05-12 Årsstämma
2016-05-11 Kvartalsrapport 2016-Q1
2016-03-09 Bokslutskommuniké 2015
2015-11-12 Kvartalsrapport 2015-Q3
2015-08-05 Kvartalsrapport 2015-Q2
2015-05-15 X-dag ordinarie utdelning SMF 0.00 SEK
2015-05-14 Årsstämma
2015-05-13 Kvartalsrapport 2015-Q1
2015-03-12 Bokslutskommuniké 2014
2014-11-11 Kvartalsrapport 2014-Q3
2014-08-07 Kvartalsrapport 2014-Q2
2014-05-16 X-dag ordinarie utdelning SMF 0.00 SEK
2014-05-15 Årsstämma
2014-05-06 Kvartalsrapport 2014-Q1
2014-03-12 Bokslutskommuniké 2013
2013-11-13 Kvartalsrapport 2013-Q3
2013-08-07 Kvartalsrapport 2013-Q2
2013-06-26 X-dag halvårsutdelning SMF 0.1214
2013-05-13 Årsstämma
2013-05-13 Kvartalsrapport 2013-Q1
2013-03-21 Bokslutskommuniké 2012
2012-12-27 X-dag halvårsutdelning SMF 0.131
2012-11-07 Kvartalsrapport 2012-Q3
2012-08-08 Kvartalsrapport 2012-Q2
2012-06-27 X-dag halvårsutdelning SMF 0.131
2012-05-09 Kvartalsrapport 2012-Q1
2012-05-08 Årsstämma
2012-03-14 Bokslutskommuniké 2011
2011-12-28 X-dag halvårsutdelning SMF 0.1355
2011-11-09 Kvartalsrapport 2011-Q3
2011-10-05 Årsstämma
2011-08-10 Kvartalsrapport 2011-Q2
2011-05-30 Kvartalsrapport 2011-Q1
2011-03-16 Bokslutskommuniké 2010


ListaMid Cap Stockholm
IndustriGruvdrift & metaller
Semafo är ett kanadensiskt gruvbolag. Bolaget arbetar med prospektering och distribution av guldförnödenheter runtom den globala marknaden, med produktionsanläggningar i Västafrika. Produktionen utgår ifrån egna anläggningar och en del av projekten drivs även i samarbete med övriga aktörer på marknaden. Huvudkontoret är beläget i Saint-Laurent, Québec, Kanada.
2019-08-06 23:30:00

Bantou Resource Goal of 2.5 - 3.0 Million Ounces by End of 2020

Montreal, Quebec, August 6, 2019 /CNW/ - SEMAFO Inc. (TSX, OMX: SMF) is pleased to announce another solid quarter of operations, development and exploration activities for the three-month period ended June 30, 2019. All amounts are in US dollars unless otherwise stated.

  • Consolidated gold production of 99,800 ounces
  • Cash flow from operating activities before changes in non-cash working capital1of $74.3 million or $0.22 per share¹
  • Net income attributable to shareholders of $15.7 million or $0.05 per share
  • Acquisition of Savary Gold closed April 30, 2019
  • Discovery of new Bantou Nord Zone, 1.5km northeast of Bantou Zone
  • Three rigs drilling at Bantou with resource goal of 2.5 - 3.0M ounces by end of 2020
  • Balance sheet remains conservative with net cash and 100% exposure to upside in gold price

Benoit Desormeaux, President and Chief Executive Officer of SEMAFO, states: "We had a strong second quarter where our operations performed well and with the discovery of the Bantou Nord Zone, our resource goal of 2.5 - 3.0M ounces by end of 2020 for Bantou and Karankasso is well within reach. Our two investor days in the quarter highlighted a team that has been working together at SEMAFO for over 15 years, and we saw the benefits of this in our results. After quarter-end, a pit wall failure occurred at Mana. While we are disappointed that this will affect our 2019 production and results, we are pleased to note that no-one was injured and that the ounces have only been deferred to 2020."

(1)   Cash flow from operating activities before changes in non-cash working capital and per share are a non-IFRS financial performance measure with no standard definition under IFRS. See the "Non-IFRS Financial Performance Measures" section of the MD&A, note 19.

Consolidated Results and Mining Operations 

Three Six-month
-month period 
ended ended
June 30,  June 30, 
2019  2018  Variation  2019  2018  Variation
Gold ounces 99,800  45,700  118 % 202,200  91,200  122 %
Gold ounces sold  102,700  45,100  128 % 208,800  92,000  127 %

(in thousands of
dollars, except
per ounce, per
tonne and per
Revenues - Gold 134,985  58,517  131 % 273,526  121,215    126 %
Operating income 32,741  (7,558 )  -   73,100  (15,623 )  -  

Net income (loss) 15,705  (10,431 )  -   33,371  (15,141 )  -  
attributable to
shareholders of
the Corporation
   Basic earnings 0.05  (0.03 )  -   0.10  (0.05 )  -  
per share 
   Diluted 0.05  (0.03 )  -   0.10  (0.05 )  -  
earnings per

Cash flow from 74,339  15,839 369 % 153,319  34,230 348 %
before changes in
non-cash working
   Per share¹ 0.22  0.05    340 % 0.47  0.11 327 %

Average realized 1,313  1,298 1 % 1,310  1,317 (1 %)
selling price
Total cash cost 522  858 (39 %) 503  853 (41 %)
(per ounce
All-in sustaining 732  1,103 (34 %) 739  1,093 (32 %)
cost (per ounce

2019 Guidance - Consolidated

2019 Guidance  Initial Revised Outlook Initial Revised
Outlook Outlook - Outlook Outlook
- Consol - Consol Boungou  - -
Mana  Mana 
i i
d d
a a
t t
e e
d d
Gold production (`000 oz)........................................... 390 350 220-240  170 130
-430  -380  -190  -140 
All-in sustaining cost1 ("AISC") ($/oz).......................... 685 685 470-510  950 950
-735  -735  -1020  -1020 

Capital Expenditure (included in AISC) (in millions of $) 
Sustaining...................................................................   14 14 4 10 10
Stripping..................................................................... 64 56 21 43 35
78 70 25 53 45

Non-recurring Development Expenditure (not included in AISC) (in millions of
Siou underground development.................................   41 41 - 41 41
Air strips & mill optimisations......................................   8 8 6 2 2
Mining costs during Mana's shutdown........................  - 22 - - 22
49 71 6 43 65

(1)   Cash flow from operating activities before changes in non-cash working capital and per share, total cash cost and all-in sustaining cost are non-IFRS financial performance measures with no standard definition under IFRS. See the "Non-IFRS Financial Performance Measures" section of the MD&A, note 19.

Our 2019 Boungou guidance remains unchanged. Operations are tracking according to plan and in line with annual targets. In the first quarter, we noted that the all-in sustaining cost (AISC) for Boungou was slightly above the top end of the 2019 AISC guidance range. We further noted that this was expected and that over the remainder of the year, the AISC will track back into the 2019 annual guidance range.  In the second quarter, we see that the strip ratio decreased (as per the mine plan) with a corresponding reduction in AISC.

Mana Revised Guidance

A pit wall failure occurred in early August in the northern part of the Wona pit where there is no active mining. No-one was injured, and no equipment was damaged.

Currently, we are mining in the southern part of Wona pit. However, under the 2019 mine plan, some 45,000 ounces were expected from the northern portion of the pit between late August and year-end. To mine securely and regain access to ore in Wona North, we will have to push back the pit wall and mine approximately 6 million tonnes of waste material. As a result, mining of ore in the northern part of the pit will be deferred until the first quarter of 2020. These 6 million tonnes were part of the life of mine plan in 2021 and therefore do not represent additional tonnes or cost.

After evaluating multiple scenarios to compensate for the ore from Wona North in 2019, we established that there would be insufficient ore to feed the mill for approximately ten weeks. We now expect to suspend the processing of ore at Mana between mid-August and end of October.

The mining plan for the Siou pit remains unchanged: Development of Siou open pit is ongoing with ore expected in the fourth quarter; and development of Siou underground is proceeding on time and on budget.

We estimate the impact at Mana to be approximately 40,000 - 50,000 ounces of lower production than originally contemplated. Therefore, annual guidance at Mana has been revised to 130,000 - 140,000 from the original 170,000 - 190,000 ounces. There is no change to our Mana all-in sustaining cost (AISC) guidance. During the shutdown, mining costs of approximately $22 million for Siou and Wona will be capitalized in development and there will be a non-recurring charge of approximately $7 million mostly representing fixed costs for the period.

Siou Underground Continues on Time, on Budget

Underground development at Siou continued to advance well with 4,400 meters completed at end of July. The pace of development continues in line with our goal of reaching full production in the first quarter of 2020. At quarter-end, development continued on budget, with $31.2 million of the total $51.7 million budget incurred. Further grade control drilling in the quarter remained consistent with the block model.

Exploration & Development


Exploration in the second quarter continued to focus on Bantou where a total of 190 RC holes (29,899 meters) and 17 core holes (3,307 meters) was completed. On June 3, we announced the discovery of a significant new gold zone called Bantou Nord. The Bantou Nord Zone is located 1.5 kilometers northeast of the Bantou Zone, which hosts an inferred resource estimate of 361,000 oz at 5.35 g/t Au.

The 2019 Bantou exploration budget was originally set at $3 million and involved one drill rig. Given Bantou's prospectivity and exploration success to date, its 2019 budget was increased to $11 million. The updated exploration program includes three rigs: i) one dedicated to follow-up drilling at the new Bantou Nord discovery; ii) a second testing the Bantou Zone along the plunge of the mineralization; and iii) a third one exploring grassroots targets over the entire property including follow-up drilling on the Bantou Proximal Zone located immediately west of the Bantou Zone.

Bantou Nord Zone

Following the June 3 discovery, the Bantou Nord drill program consisted of north-south lines almost perpendicular to the original discovery lines. The objective was to confirm the disseminated nature of the mineralization in addition to provide a better understanding of the geometry of the deposit. Results to date confirm the disseminated nature with grades and widths similar to those previously reported (see Table 1 with multiple intersections of +/- 100-meter lengths with grades ranging from 1.0 g/t Au to 1.4 g/t Au). In addition, the drilling appears in line with the original interpreted surface area of mineralization of 300 meters by 250 meters.

Table 1 - Q2 Select Drill Results from Bantou Nord Zone

Section Hole No. From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t)
407750E KRC19-0431 125 165* 40 0.96
407750E KRC19-0432 96 162* 66 1.78
407750E KRC19-0434 64 136 72 1.03
407750E KRC19-0436 3 161* 158 1.26
407750E KRC19-0437 5 114 109 1.41
407650E KRC19-0440 4 174 170 1.16
407650E KRC19-0441 23 88 65 1.28

* Hole ends in mineralization

Bantou Zone

At the Bantou Zone, high grade intersections were obtained along the moderate north plunge as interpreted by the block model (Table 2). Following completion of the programs, a revised resource estimate will be completed for the Bantou and Bantou Nord Zones that will be included in the year-end resource statement.

Table 2 - Q2 Select Drill Results from Bantou Zone

Zone Hole No. From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t)
Chert DMP010 277.7 279 1.3 14.92
Chert DMP010 284.2 302,9 18.7 7.43
BIF DMP013 95.3 104 8.7 2.85
Chert DYDD020 176.6 178 1.4 9.72

* All assays are uncut

Bantou Proximal Zone and Regional Targets

As shown in Table 3, Bantou Proximal Zone continues to return excellent results that will be followed up in the fourth quarter. In addition, the exploration drill returned interesting intersections at two new areas, called Peni and Sikongo. Peni is located 6 kilometers north-northeast of Bantou Nord, with Sikongo located 12 kilometers directly north of Bantou Nord. Further drilling has been scheduled in the second half of the year.

Table 3 - Q2 Select Drill Results from Bantou Proximal Zone and Regional Targets

Zone Hole No. From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t)
Bantou Prox KRC19-0454 27 32 5 2.32
Bantou Prox KRC19-0456 75 78 3 4.22
Bantou Prox KRC19-0458 46 48 2 8.47
Bantou Prox KRC19-0460 63 70 7 44.16
Peni KRC19-0388 25 28 3 2.53
Peni KRC19-0393 41 49 8 8.04
Peni KRC19-0393 111 121 10 1.59
Sikongo KRC19-0358 5 11 6 4.28
Sikongo KRC19-0359 149 150 1 5.37

* All assays are uncut


Since closing the Savary Gold Corporation (''Savary Gold'') acquisition on April 30, the Karankasso database has been merged with the Bantou database. During the quarter, the transition with the Savary Gold team continued in an orderly fashion with everyone working together towards the common goal of maximizing the potential of the combined 1,250 km² district-scale property. In the third quarter, we will provide an updated budget and exploration plan.


A total of 1,333 holes (13,361 meters) of auger drilling was completed north of the Boungou Mine in the second quarter in order to evaluate exploration targets in close proximity to the plant. No RC drilling was conducted during the quarter. Drilling is expected to resume after the rainy season.


During the quarter, a total of 96 holes (12,822 meters) was completed at Mana to test potential satellite targets proximal to existing deposits, including 4,519 meters at the Pompoi target east of Yaramoko Mine. The drilling program at Pompoi is approximately half-complete with no significant findings to date. Significant intersections were obtained on two satellite targets. The first is located six kilometers north of the Siou deposit, and the second is located five kilometers south of the Fofina deposit (see Table 4 below). Among these, hole MRC19-5206, which was drilled down dip of the zone, helped to confirm the orientation. Following detailed interpretation, an additional drill program will be completed with the aim of identifying a near-surface deposit.

Table 4 - Q2 Select Drilling Results at Mana Satellite Targets

Zone Hole No. From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t)
Siou Satellite North MRC19-5149 64 71 7 1.68
Siou Satellite North MRC19-5150 71 78 7 1.76
Fofina South MRC19-5206 4 10 6 2.75
45 53 8 1.88
87 123 36 1.40
Fofina South MRC19-5218 97 104 7 1.46

Geologic Review at Mana

At the end of the second quarter, we hired a geological consulting firm to carry out an external review at Mana. Analysis and compilation are expected to be completed by year-end and to generate new targets for 2020 within trucking distance to the plant.


As planned, no drilling was done at Nabanga in the second quarter. Work on the preliminary economic assessment ("PEA") continues and is scheduled for release in the third quarter.


In the quarter, 600 holes of auger drilling (10,835 meters) and 1,306 meters of trenching were completed on the Korhogo property in Cote d'Ivoire. Two trenches in the northern part of the permit returned values of up to 6.10 g/t Au over 2 meters and 1.13 g/t Au over 3 meters. The program is expected to be completed before year-end.

Board of Directors Appointment

SEMAFO is pleased to announce the appointment of Daniel Buron to its Board of Directors, effective August 5, 2019. Mr. Buron joined the Audit Committee and the Human Resources and Corporate Governance Committee.

Mr. Buron has served as Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer of Domtar Corporation and Domtar Inc. since 2004 and previously held other senior finance positions within Domtar. Before joining Domtar in 1999, he held various finance positions with a leading firm in the commercialization and development of IT applications, solutions and tools as well as with a major international accounting firm.

Holder of a bachelor of commerce degree from Université Laval, Mr. Buron has 30 years of experience in finance.  He is a member of the Quebec Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) Order and a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors. He currently sits on the board of the McGill University Health Center Foundation.

Second Quarter Conference Call

A conference call will be held tomorrow, August 7, 2019 at 10:00 EDT, to discuss the second quarter results. Interested parties are invited to call the following telephone numbers to participate in the call. A live audio webcast of the conference call will be accessible for a period of 90 days through SEMAFO's website at www.semafo.com (http://file///K:/filings/livework/wkip/59891/Press%20release%20Q2%202019%20final%20EN.docx#Press_Release).

Tel. local & overseas: +1 (514) 225 7341
Tel. North America: 1 (888) 390 0605
Webcast: www.semafo.com
 (http://file///K:/filings/livework/wkip/59891/Press%20release%20Q2%202019%20final%20EN.docx#Press_Release)Replay overseas: +1 (416) 764 8677
Replay N. America: 1 (888) 390 0541
Replay pass code: 921499#
Expiration: September 7, 2019


This press release contains forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of present or historical facts are forward-looking. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions and accordingly, actual results and future events could differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. You are hence cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include words or expressions such as "goal", "by end of 2020",, "within reach",, "deferred to", "deliver", "long-term", "guidance", "targets", "will", "on time, on budget", "objective", "scheduled", "expect", "aim", "generate", "committed", "building", "leveraging" and other similar words or expressions. Factors that could cause future results or events to differ materially from current expectations expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements include the ability to (i) achieve the resource goal of 2.5 - 3.0M ounces at Bantou by 2020, (ii) deliver long term shareholder value, (iii) meet our 2019 revised guidance, (iv) resume the processing of ore at Mana at the end of October, (v) deliver the Siou Underground on-time and on-budget, (vi) achieve full production from Siou Underground in the first quarter of 2020, (vii) provide an updated budget and exploration plan for Karankasso in the third quarter, (viii) identify a near-surface deposit at Mana and generate new targets for 2020 within trucking distance to the plant, (ix) complete the Nabanga PEA by the third quarter, the ability to increase reserves and resources, the ability to execute on our strategic focus, fluctuation in the price of currencies, gold or operating costs, mining industry risks, uncertainty as to calculation of mineral reserves and resources, delays, political and social stability in Africa (including our ability to maintain or renew licenses and permits) and other risks described in SEMAFO's documents filed with Canadian securities regulatory authorities. You can find further information with respect to these and other risks in SEMAFO's 2018 Annual MD&A, as updated in SEMAFO's 2019 First and Second Quarter MD&As, and other filings made with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and available at www.sedar.com. These documents are also available on our website at www.semafo.com (http://file///K:/filings/livework/wkip/59891/Press%20release%20Q2%202019%20final%20EN.docx#Press_Release). SEMAFO disclaims any obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable law.

Interim Consolidated Statements of Financial Position 
(Expressed in thousands of US dollars - unaudited) 

As at     As at    
June 30,     December 31,    
2019     2018    
$     $    


Current assets 
Cash and cash 108,858 96,519
Trade and other 46,397 29,434
Income tax receivable  5,870 6,390
Inventories 86,355 83,211
Other current assets  5,601 5,378
253,081 220,932
Non-current assets 
Advance receivable  1,779 2,117
Restricted cash 25,305 25,340
Property, plant and 835,787 782,060
Intangible asset 1,133 1,204
Other non-current 1,110 2,622
financial assets
865,114 813,343
Total assets 1,118,195 1,034,275


Current liabilities 
Trade payables and 66,878 63,905
accrued liabilities
Current portion of long 60,026 60,181
-term debt
Current portion of 12,325 7,820
lease liabilities
Current portion of 6,078 3,311
share unit plan
Provisions 2,930 3,051
148,237 138,268
Long-term debt 28,476 57,388
Lease liabilities 22,887 20,144
Share unit plan 3,873 2,263
Provisions 24,581 23,561
Deferred income tax 65,044 39,548
144,861 142,904
Total liabilities 293,098 281,172


Shareholders of the
Share capital 646,005 623,604
Contributed surplus 6,555 6,771
Accumulated other (18,427 ) (18,909 )
comprehensive (loss)
Retained earnings  144,281 109,216
778,414 720,682
Non-controlling 46,683 32,421

Total equity 825,097 753,103
Total liabilities and 1,118,195 1,034,275

Interim Consolidated Statements of Income (loss) 
For the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30, 2019 and 2018, respectively
(Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except per share amounts - unaudited)

Three-month period   Six-month period  
ended June 30,   ended June 30,  
2019   2018   2019   2018  
$   $   $   $  

Revenue - Gold sales  134,985 58,517  273,526 121,215

Costs of operations 
Mining operation 53,653 38,679 105,058 78,457
Depreciation of 40,938 22,583 80,566 48,011
property, plant and
General and 3,949 3,859 7,909 7,776
Corporate social 17 341 374 563
Share-based 3,687 613 6,519 2,031

Operating income 32,741 (7,558 ) 73,100 (15,623 )

Other expenses
Finance income  (612 ) (612 ) (1,160 ) (1,253 )
Finance costs  3,065 287 6,621 600
Foreign exchange (gain) (286 ) 1,292 210 864

Income (loss) before 30,574 (8,525 ) 67,429 (15,834 )
income taxes 

Income tax expense
Current  1,139 (238 ) 1,873 289
Deferred  10,573 2,826 25,572 (110 )
11,712 2,588 27,445 179

Net income (loss) for 18,862 (11,113 ) 39,984 (16,013 )
the period 

Attributable to:
Shareholders of the 15,705 (10,431 ) 33,371 (15,141 )
Non-controlling 3,157 (682 ) 6,613 (872 )
18,862 (11,113 ) 39,984 (16,013 )

Earnings (loss) per
Basic 0.05 (0.03 ) 0.10 (0.05 )
Diluted 0.05 (0.03 ) 0.10 (0.05 )

Interim Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 
For the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30, 2019 and 2018, respectively
(Expressed in thousands of US dollars - unaudited)

Three Six-month
-month period 
ended ended
June 30,  June 30, 
2019  2018  2019  2018 
$ $ $ $
Cash flows
from (used in): 

Net income (loss) 18,862 (11,113 )  39,984 (16,013 ) 
for the period 
Adjustments for:
    Depreciation of 40,938 22,583 80,566 48,011
property, plant and
    Share-based 3,687 613 6,519 2,031
    Amortization of 377 - 877 -
transaction costs
    Unrealized (332 )  991 (216 )  439
foreign exchange
    Deferred income 10,573 2,826 25,572 (110 ) 
tax expense
    Other 234 (61 )  17 (128 ) 
Cash flow from 74,339 15,839 153,319 34,230
before changes in
non-cash working
Changes in non-cash (4,246 )  5,039 (19,982 )  (10,597 ) 
working capital
Net cash provided 70,093 20,878 133,337 23,633
by operating

Repayment of long (15,000 )  - (30,000 )  -
-term debt 
Repayment of (78 )  (78 )  (155 )  (155 ) 
Payments of lease (3,261 )  (1,165 )  (5,386 )  (2,310 ) 
Proceeds on 1,056 120 1,486 861
issuance of share
net of expenses 
Net cash used in (17,283 )  (1,123 )  (34,055 )  (1,604 ) 

Acquisition of (44,237 )  (48,700 )  (87,416 )  (109,856 ) 
property, plant and
Net cash received 232 - 232 - 
on acquisition of
Savary Gold
Proceeds 63 98 63 (1,508 ) 
(acquisitions) from
Net cash used in (43,942 )  (48,602 )  (87,121 )  (111,364 ) 

Effect of exchange 1,005 (1,702 )  178 (744 ) 
rate changes on
and cash
Change in cash and 9,873 (30,549 )  12,339 (90,079 ) 
cash equivalents
during the period
Cash and cash 98,985 139,420 96,519 198,950
equivalents -
of period
Cash and cash 108,858 108,871 108,858 108,871
equivalents - End
Interest paid 2,611 2,406 5,386 4,736
Interest received 615 739 1,163 1,449
Income tax paid - 2,010 851 3,366

Boungou, Burkina Faso 
Mining Operations

Three Six-month period 
ended ended June 30, 
June 30, 
2019  2019 
Operating Data 
Waste mined (tonnes) 3,539,500  5,645,500 
Ore mined (tonnes) 470,700  750,700 
Operational stripping ratio 7.5  7.5 
Capitalized Stripping Activity
Waste material - Boungou (tonnes) 3,183,800  8,228,400 
Total strip ratio 14.3  18.5 

Tonnes processed (tonnes) 282,700  591,400 
Head grade (g/t) 7.19  6.83 
Recovery (%) 96  96 
Gold ounces produced 62,800  124,700 
Gold ounces sold 63,800  128,500 

Financial Data (in thousands of
Revenues - Gold sales 84,144  168,636 
Mining operation expenses 17,619  34,689 
Government royalties and 4,701  9,425 
development taxes
Depreciation of property, plant 24,643  49,591 
and equipment
General and administrative 278  495 
Corporate social responsibility 5  87 
Segment operating income 36,898  74,349 

Statistics (in dollars) 
Average realized selling price 1,318  1,312 
(per ounce)
Cash operating cost (per tonne 61  57 
processed) (1)
Cash operating cost, including 86  87 
stripping (per tonne
processed) (1)
Total cash cost (per ounce 350  343 
sold) (1)
All-in sustaining cost (per ounce 476  505 
sold) (1)
Depreciation (per ounce sold) (2) 386  386 

(1)   Cash operating cost, cash operating cost including stripping, total cash cost and all-in sustaining cost are non-IFRS financial performance measures with no standard definition under IFRS. See the "Non-IFRS Financial Performance Measures" section of the MD&A, note 19.

(2)   Depreciation per ounce sold is a non-IFRS financial performance measure with no standard definition under IFRS and represents the depreciation expense per ounce sold.

Mana, Burkina Faso 
Mining Operations

Three Six-month
-month period 
ended ended
June 30,  June 30, 
2019  2018  Variation  2019  2018  Variation
Waste mined 3,366,700  5,121,300 (34 %)  6,133,000  10,327,100 (41 %)
Ore mined 478,600  478,200 -  886,700  1,070,500 (17 %)
Operational 7.0  10.7 (35 %)  6.9  (28 %)
Waste material 2,048,700  -  -  4,454,600  -  - 
- Siou
Waste material 1,586,000  3,513,700 (55 %)  3,411,000  6,717,900 (49 %)
- Wona
3,634,700  3,513,700 3 %  7,865,600  6,717,900 17 %
Total strip 14.6  18.1 (19 %)  15.8  15.9 (1 %)

Ore processed 502,900  604,200 (17 %)  930,800  1,216,200 (23 %)
Low grade 116,200  32,600 256 %  328,500  72,300 354 %
Tonnes 619,100  636,800 (3 %)  1,259,300  1,288,500 (2 %)
Head grade 2.12  2.35 (10 %)  2.20  2.30 (4 %)
Recovery (%) 88  95 (7 %)  87  96 (9 %)
Gold ounces 37,000  45,700 (19 %)  77,500  91,200 (15 %)
Gold ounces 38,900  45,100 (14 %)  80,300  92,000 (13 %)

Financial Data
(in thousands
of dollars) 
Revenues - 50,841  58,517 (13 %)  104,890  121,215 (13 %)
Gold sales
Mining 29,026  36,139 (20 %)  56,208  72,773 (23 %)
Government 2,307  2,540 (9 %)  4,736  5,684 (17 %) 
Depreciation 16,146  22,488 (28 %)  30,677  47,820 (36 %)
of property,
and equipment
General and 584  699 (16 %)  1,127  1,334 (16 %)
Corporate 12  212 (94 %)  287  397 (28 %)
Segment 2,766  (3,561 )  -  11,855  (6,793 )  - 
income (loss)

Statistics (in
Average 1,306  1,298 1 %  1,306  1,317 (1 %)
selling price
(per ounce)
Cash operating 47  56 (16 %)  44  55 (20 %)
cost (per
processed) (1)
Cash operating 65  70 (7 %)  63  69 (9 %)
stripping (per
processed) (1)
Total cash 805  858 (6 %)  759  853 (11 %)
cost (per
ounce sold)
All-in 1,152  1,103 4 %  1,113  1,093 2 %
cost (per
ounce sold)
Depreciation 415  499 (17 %)  382  520 (27 %)
(per ounce
sold) (2)

(1)   Cash operating cost, cash operating cost including stripping, total cash cost and all-in sustaining cost are non-IFRS financial performance measures with no standard definition under IFRS. See the "Non-IFRS Financial Performance Measures" section of the MD&A, note 19.

(2)   Depreciation per ounce sold is a non-IFRS financial performance measure with no standard definition under IFRS and represents the depreciation expense per ounce sold.

SEMAFO - August 6 News Release (https://mb.cision.com/Public/17699/2874711/9fadfaa8b7894993.pdf)