06:48:09 Europe / Stockholm


Share price & Turnover

Share price change and turnover during the day of this press release


2024-11-21 Quarterly Report 2024-Q3
2024-08-28 Quarterly Report 2024-Q2
2024-05-23 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.00 EUR
2024-05-22 Annual General meeting
2024-05-21 Quarterly Report 2024-Q1
2024-03-14 Year-end Report 2023
2023-11-28 15-10 2023-Q3
2023-08-25 Quarterly Report 2023-Q2
2023-05-24 15-10 2023-Q1
2023-04-28 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.00 EUR
2023-04-27 Annual General meeting
2023-04-14 Year-end Report 2022
2022-12-09 Extra General Meeting 2022
2022-08-26 Quarterly Report 2022-Q2
2022-05-24 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.00 EUR
2022-05-23 Annual General meeting
2022-03-11 Year-end Report 2021
2021-08-27 Quarterly Report 2021-Q2
2021-05-28 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.00 EUR
2021-05-27 Annual General meeting
2021-03-19 Year-end Report 2020
2020-08-27 Quarterly Report 2020-Q2
2020-04-28 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.00 EUR
2020-03-06 Year-end Report 2019
2019-08-29 Quarterly Report 2019-Q2
2019-04-29 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.00 EUR
2019-04-26 Annual General meeting
2019-03-06 Year-end Report 2018
2018-08-23 Quarterly Report 2018-Q2
2018-04-27 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.00 EUR
2018-04-26 Annual General meeting
2018-03-02 Year-end Report 2017
2017-08-24 Quarterly Report 2017-Q2
2017-04-27 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.00 EUR
2017-04-26 Annual General meeting
2017-03-24 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.00 EUR
2017-02-15 Year-end Report 2016
2016-08-25 Quarterly Report 2016-Q2
2016-04-22 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.00 EUR
2016-04-21 Annual General meeting
2016-03-03 Year-end Report 2015
2015-11-12 Quarterly Report 2015-Q3
2015-08-27 Quarterly Report 2015-Q2
2015-05-14 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.00 EUR
2015-05-13 Quarterly Report 2015-Q1
2015-05-13 Annual General meeting
2015-02-26 Year-end Report 2014
2014-10-30 Quarterly Report 2014-Q3
2014-08-13 Quarterly Report 2014-Q2
2014-05-08 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.00 EUR
2014-05-07 Annual General meeting
2014-05-07 Quarterly Report 2014-Q1
2014-02-27 Year-end Report 2013
2013-10-31 Quarterly Report 2013-Q3
2013-08-15 Quarterly Report 2013-Q2
2013-05-10 Ex-date Bonus Dividend WETTERI 0.04
2013-05-10 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.00 EUR
2013-05-08 Annual General meeting
2013-05-08 Quarterly Report 2013-Q1
2013-02-28 Year-end Report 2012
2013-01-15 Extra General Meeting 2012
2012-11-01 Quarterly Report 2012-Q3
2012-08-16 Quarterly Report 2012-Q2
2012-04-27 Ex-date Bonus Dividend WETTERI 0.02
2012-04-27 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.00 EUR
2012-04-26 Quarterly Report 2012-Q1
2012-04-26 Annual General meeting
2012-02-16 Year-end Report 2011
2011-10-27 Quarterly Report 2011-Q3
2011-08-18 Quarterly Report 2011-Q2
2011-05-06 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.00 EUR
2011-04-28 Quarterly Report 2011-Q1
2010-05-07 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.00 EUR
2010-05-07 Ex-date Bonus Dividend WETTERI 0.03
2009-05-06 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.03 EUR
2008-04-24 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.03 EUR
2007-04-27 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.03 EUR
2006-04-14 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.02 EUR
2005-04-14 Ex-date Ordinary Dividend WETTERI 0.02 EUR


ListSmall Cap Helsinki
SectorInformation technology
Wetteri är en bilåterförsäljare med bas i Finland. Företagets affärsmodell innefattar bilar från både lyx- och vardagssegmentet. Wetteri arbetar också med reparation, underhåll och inbyten av begangnade bilar samt tyngre fordon, exempelvis lastbilar. Företagets kundgrupp innefattar både privatpersoner och företag. Wetteri har sitt huvudkontor i Oulu, Finland.
2024-05-21 08:30:00

Wetteri Plc Interim report 21 May 2024 at 9.30 EET

Summary of the review period 1 January to 31 March 2024 
  • The Group's revenue was EUR 144.8 million (EUR 87.8 million), 65% growth 
  • Adjusted EBITDA was EUR 6.1 million (EUR 5.4 million) 
  • The adjusted operating profit was EUR 2.5 million (EUR 2.6 million) 
  • The operating profit was EUR 1.1 million (EUR 0.7 million) 
  • The revenue of the Passenger Cars segment increased by EUR 47.3 million (93%) year-on-year
  • The revenue of the Maintenance Services segment increased by EUR 11.0 million (76%) year-on-year
  • The car dealership business operations of Suur-Savo became part of Wetteri through a business acquisition on 1 January 2024
  • Suvanto Trucks Oy became part of Wetteri through a share exchange on 29 February 2024
Financial guidance for 2024 
  • Revenue EUR 660-800 million
  • Adjusted operating profit EUR 19-23 million

The company's medium-term (3-year) target is to achieve EUR 1,000 million in revenue and EUR 30 million in operating profit.

Key performance indicators 

EUR thousand 1 Jan to 1 Jan to Change 1 Jan to
31 Mar 31 Mar 31 Dec
2024 2023 2023
Revenue 144,798 87,751 65% 433,849
EBITDA 5,269 4,246 24% 19,721
EBITDA, % of revenue 4% 5% 5%
Adjusted EBITDA 1) 6,078 5,357 13% 23,630
Adjusted EBITDA, % of revenue 4% 6% 5%
Operating profit (loss) (EBIT) 1,057 739 43% 4,371
Operating profit (loss), % of 1% 1% 1%
Adjusted operating profit 1) 2,454 2,621 -6% 10,884
Adjusted operating profit, % of 2% 3% 3%
Profit (loss) before tax -1,560 -251 - -4,696
Profit (loss) before tax, % of -1% 0% -1%
Profit (loss) for the period from -1,388 -362 - -4,851
continuing operations
Profit (loss) for the period from -1% 0% -1%
continuing operations, % of
Profit (loss) for the period -1,281 35 -3,771% -4,049

Profit (loss) for the period, % of -1% 0% -1%
Earnings per share from continuing -0.01 0.00 -0.04
operations, basic (EUR)
Earnings per share from continuing -0.01 0.00 -0.04
operations, diluted (EUR)
Earnings per share, basic (EUR) -0.01 0.00 -0.03
Earnings per share, diluted (EUR) -0.01 0.00 -0.03
Return on equity (ROE), % -14% 0% -13%
Return on investment (ROI), % -9% -2% -9%
Equity ratio, % 16% 18% 16%
Liquidity, % 86% 76% 83%
Average number of personnel during 1,053 750 926
the financial year 2)
Invoiced sales of new passenger 1,070 583 3,322
cars (pcs)
Invoiced sales of new commercial 44 56 181
trucks (pcs)
Invoiced sales of used passenger 2,443 1,220 5,764
cars (pcs)
Invoiced sales of used commercial 52 32 114
trucks (pcs)
Orders: new passenger cars (pcs) 1,002 630 2,862
Orders: new commercial trucks 36 44 127
Passenger cars: order backlog at 47,249 74,591 57,343
the end of the period
Commercial trucks: order backlog 12,071 20,100 13,655
at the end of the period
Passenger car repair shop: hours 89,050 65,393 319,562
Commercial truck repair shop: 29,218 29,468 110,759
hours sold

1) The adjusted EBITDA and operating profit do not take items affecting the comparability of the Group's EBITDA and operating profit into account, such as significant non-recurring items of income and expenses and amortisation of the fair value of assets recognised on the balance sheet by means of acquisition calculations. The purpose of the adjusted EBITDA and operating profit is to improve the comparability of the Group's EBITDA and operating profit between periods. The reconciliation of the adjusted EBITDA and operating profit is presented on page 15 of the interim report. 

2) The calculation of the number of personnel has been revised in the review period so that the number of personnel at the end of each month has been added together, and the amount thus obtained has been divided by the number of months in the review period. The comparison information has also been adjusted to correspond to this calculation method.

Aarne Simula, CEO: 

"Considering the challenges in the operating environment, the first quarter of 2024 was favourable for Wetteri. The Group's revenue was EUR 144.8 million, and its adjusted EBITDA increased to EUR 6.1 million. Adjusted operating profit remained at last year's level and was EUR 2.5 million. Wetteri's operational performance during the review period was affected by the harbour strikes in particular, which shifted deliveries of new cars from the normally busy March to the following months. The impact of the strikes was also reflected in spare parts logistics and, consequently, maintenance.

In Wetteri's business segments, revenue growth was highest in the Passenger Cars segment, where revenue rose by 92% to EUR 98.5 million. The invoiced sales of new cars increased by around 61% year-on-year, and the order backlog for new cars at the end of the review period was EUR 47.2 million. The revenue of the Heavy Equipment segment decreased slightly from the previous year. The invoiced sales of new commercial trucks totalled 44, and 36 new orders were received. The invoiced sales of used commercial trucks totalled 52.

The revenue of Maintenance Services increased by 76% and was nearly EUR 25.5 million, but investments in the development of maintenance operations affected performance compared to previous year. In the maintenance services, the multi-brand selection and the extensive expertise created through it is a great strength in the era of electrified motoring, as there is a strong demand for trained and importer-audited brand maintenance. The electrification of driving does not reduce the need for maintenance, but the opposite: customer loyalty is apt to create volume growth and revenue growth, and thereby support Wetteri's growth goals also in terms of maintenance.

Wetteri is on its way to becoming the largest and most profitable player in the automotive sector by the end of 2025. Wetteri's growth strategy is acquisition-driven, and this strategic choice is based on a megatrend shaping the automotive industry, driving the industry to focus on fewer larger players. The transformation of the automotive industry is being driven by numerous smaller changes in technology, operating models and consumer behaviour. The car trade is a business based on volumes, and economies of scale generate synergy benefits and give leverage to navigate the transformation of the operating environment.

Wetteri's acquisition-driven growth strategy is based on volume growth and decreasing costs as a result of synergy benefits, as well as improved margins. To improve the profitability of operations, Wetteri has started to eliminate overlaps created by acquisitions by reorganising the administration and regional business management, for example. The efficient use of facilities is being assessed. In business acquisitions, the focus will continue to be on well-managed companies with strong development potential, whose culture is close to Wetteri's. This helps ensure successful integrations and the realization of practical benefits as soon as possible.

Wetteri differs from many other operators in the automotive sector because of its comprehensive business model and extensive offering. Wetteri's business model covers the sale of new and used passenger and commercial vehicles, as well as the sale of heavy vehicles. In addition, Wetteri offers a wide range of maintenance services and repair shop services, as well as spare parts and tyre services in all vehicle categories. Through acquisitions, Wetteri has become stronger by means of a wider service network, new brand representation and brand-specific expertise, for example. Wetteri's business model and Finland's largest car brand representation are strengths that help the company navigate the constantly challenging market situation.

This year, the number of first registrations of new passenger cars is expected to be 76,000, still well below the long-term average. There is a strong need for renewal in Finland's rapidly ageing car fleet: the emissions reduction targets for transport will not be achieved with the current car fleet, and a new fleet is also required to improve road safety. The automotive sector has pent-up demand that will be unleashed in the near future, as well as strong potential for organic growth. The demand for new cars is also expected to pick up in the second half of this year. More moderate interest rate developments and the continued tax incentive for fully electric company cars are promising signals for growth.

In 2024, we will continue to execute our growth strategy with determination. In early 2024, Suur-Savon Auto and Suvanto Trucks Oy became part of Wetteri. Suvanto Trucks provided Wetteri with strong expertise in purchasing used commercial trucks, in addition to procurement channels. We are planning to build a nationwide sales network for used commercial trucks and make more efficient use of our existing distribution channels. In May, we signed the first import and distribution agreement in Wetteri's history for earth-moving machinery. In June 2024, we will open a major used car dealership in Vantaa in line with the Wetteri Premium concept. This will enable us to respond to the growing demand for high-quality used cars in the Helsinki metropolitan area. During 2024, we will also explore opportunities for funding growth, expanding the company's ownership base and strengthening self-sufficiency through a directed share issue for institutional investors, private investors and Wetteri's personnel." 

Estimate of developments in 2024  

Challenges in the availability of new cars have mainly been resolved, and deliveries from the order backlog, which started in 2023, will continue in 2024. Economic uncertainty may reduce the demand for new cars in all vehicle categories, and the number of first registrations is expected to be lower than in 2023. The recent signals of stabilised interest rates and a change in the direction of inflation may increase the demand for new cars in all vehicle categories, and the used car trade is expected to continue to grow. Maintenance operations are expected to continue at a strong level. Customer orders are expected to increase from the previous year.

Wetteri's disclosure of financial information in 2024

28 August 2024 Interim report for January-June 2024

21 November 2024 Interim report for January-September 2024

Oulu 21 May 2024 

Wetteri Plc 

Board of Directors

Further information:  

Aarne Simula, CEO and President, Wetteri Plc  

Tel. +358 400 689 613, aarne.simula@wetteri.fi  

Wetteri Plc - An Entrepreneur-Driven Automotive Growth Company

Wetteri Plc is an entrepreneur-driven growth company in the automotive industry. In addition to the retail trade of passenger, utility and heavy-duty vehicles, the Company provides maintenance and damage repair services from passenger cars to heavy-duty vehicles. The Company has 49 offices in its home country, headquartered in Oulu. The company employs around 1000 people, of whom nearly 70% work in maintenance and repair services. Wetteri promotes digitalisation in the automotive sector and is an important player on the common journey towards emission-free motoring.More information: sijoittajat.wetteri.fi/en/