Land | Danmark |
Lista | First North Denmark |
Sektor | Hälsovård |
Industri | Medicinteknik |
4.7.2024 13:11:58 CEST | BactiQuant A/S | Periodeoplysning
For BactiQuants teknologi og fremtidige potentiale for globale, strategiske kunder var 2. kvartal 2024 enestående i Olie & Gas - segmentet og farmasegmentet i særdeleshed. De ressourcekrævende og langstrakte forløb levner dog ikke – for en minimal organisation som BactiQuants – mange ressourcer til det parallelle dag-til-dag salg.Arbejdet med at undersøge mulighederne for at accelerere væksten, gennem en ændret ejerstruktur – med institutionelle investorer – eller en helt ny ejer – fortsætter, for at give BactiQuant det rygstød og de ressourcemæssige muskler der skal til for at udbrede vores grønne og bæredygtige teknologi globalt og udleve vores fulde potentiale.
BactiQuant udsender hermed trading statement Q2 2024. Kvartalsrapporteringen for Q2 2024 kan læses i sin helhed i det vedhæftede pdf-dokument.
- Henrik Enegaard Skaanderup, Bestyrelsesformand, +4540334470,
- Henrik Sønderup Sørensen, CFO, BactiQuant AS, +4569884000, +4569884002,
- John Norden, Certificeret rådgiver til Nasdaq First North, +4520700200,
- Morten Miller, Chief Executive Officer CEO/CINO, +4523678732,
Om BactiQuant A/S
Bactiquant has developed a technology that will revolutionize the monitoring of bacterial contamination levels in water and ensure optimum usage and handling of water around the world to the benefit of our customers and the sustainability of our planet. To show our environmental commitment, we have aligned our business with four of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. We believe that Bactiquant will be the world leader within mobile and online surveillance of bacterial contamination levels, and we are already well on our way. Headquartered in Denmark and operating across five continents, our customers come from a wide range of industries such as public water utility companies, industries needing water cooling or requiring wastewater treatment, and aquaculture.