Måndag 28 Oktober | 09:50:14 Europe / Stockholm
2024-04-03 18:16:02

3.4.2024 18:16:01 CEST | FOM Technologies | Company Announcement

Company announcement no. 70 – 2024 |Copenhagen, the 3rd of April 2024

This information is information that FOM Technologies A/S is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication at 18.16 CET on 3rd of April 2024. This announcement contains insider information.

The board of directors of FOM Technologies A/S ("FOM Technologies" or the "Company") has decided to issue 30.000 new shares in accordance with the announcement on the allocation of the incentive and retention program published on 21st of May 2021.

At an extraordinary board meeting on 3rd of April 2024, the board of directors of FOM Technologies A/S ("FOM Technologies" or the "Company") has decided to issue 30.000 new shares, in accordance with the company announcement on the allocation of the incentive and retention program that the Company published on 21st of May 2021. The subscription price for the allocated warrants is DKK 20,00 per share. Upon exercise of the above warrants, FOM Technologies will receive proceeds of DKK 600.000 before deduction of costs related to the exercise of the warrants.

Issuing the total of 30.000 shares with a nominal value of DKK 0,10 will dilute existing shareholders by approx. 0,32 percent of the number of shares and votes in the Company after completion of the transaction, as a result of an increase in the number of outstanding shares and votes of 30.000, from 9.364.696 to 9.394.696. The share capital is increased from DKK 936.469,60 to DKK 939.469,60.



FOM Technologies A/S
Michael Stadi (Adm. dir.)
Telefon: +45 20 66 60 44
E-mail: ms@fomtechnologies.com

Certified Advisor:
Norden CEF A/S
John Norden
Telefon: +45 20 72 02 00
E-mail: jn@nordencef.dk

Gullev & Co. ApS
Boris Gullev
Telefon: +45 31 39 79 99
E-mail: borisgullev@gmail.com


