07:38:44 Europe / Stockholm

Kurs & Likviditet

Kursutveckling och likviditet under dagen för detta pressmeddelande


2024-08-30 Kvartalsrapport 2024-Q2
2024-05-14 X-dag ordinarie utdelning ININ 0.00 NOK
2024-05-13 Årsstämma 2024
2024-02-28 Bokslutskommuniké 2023
2023-09-05 Kvartalsrapport 2023-Q2
2023-06-12 Årsstämma 2023
2023-06-05 X-dag ordinarie utdelning ININ 0.00 NOK
2023-03-09 Bokslutskommuniké 2022
2022-10-25 Extra Bolagsstämma 2022
2022-09-27 Kvartalsrapport 2022-Q2
2022-06-10 Årsstämma 2022
2022-05-25 X-dag ordinarie utdelning ININ 0.00 NOK
2022-03-03 Bokslutskommuniké 2021
2021-06-04 Extra Bolagsstämma 2021
2021-04-22 X-dag ordinarie utdelning ININ 0.00 NOK
2021-04-21 Årsstämma 2021


ListaEuronext Growth Oslo
IndustriElektronisk utrustning
Inin Group är ett investeringsbolag som är verksamt som industriell ägare med investeringar i bolag inom infrastruktur- och industriservicenischer i Norden. Koncernen skapar värde genom att identifiera investeringsmöjligheter inom nischer med potential för utveckling, konsolidering och tillväxt, bolaget arbetar i samarbete med sina plattformsbolag för att uppnå detta.
2022-06-20 08:30:00
Currently the following companies are placed in Recovery Box: 

DOF ASA (since 02.05.2022)
SAS AB (since 03.06.2022)

Recovery Box is a special compartment where Oslo Børs can place securities where
the Issuer is subject to circumstances that make pricing of the securities
particularly uncertain.

Recovery Box is regulated in section 2.10.2 of Oslo Rule Book II (Oslo Børs and
Euronext Expand) and section 3.8.2 of Euronext Growth Oslo Rule Book Part II.
The relevant security will remain in the Recovery Box until the circumstances
for the allocation to the Recovery Box are no longer present.

Currently the following companies are placed in Penalty Bench:

Netoil Capital Ltd. (since 23.07.2021)
Seabird Exploration PLC (since 02.05.2022)
Elop AS (since 02.06.2022)
GNP Energy AS (since 02.06.2022)

Penalty Bench is a special compartment where the securities of Issuers that fail
to comply with the Rules are placed.

Penalty Bench is regulated in section 2.10.3 of Oslo Rule Book II (Oslo Børs and
Euronext Expand) and section 3.8.3 of Euronext Growth Oslo Rule Book Part II.
Oslo Børs will remove a security from the Penalty Bench and allocate the
security to the normal compartment when the issuer has corrected the violation
of the Rules that was the reason for allocating the security to the Penalty