2025-03-10 10:15:15
10 March 2025: Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement made by
Endúr ASA ("Endúr") on 4 March 2025 regarding the extraordinary general meeting
in Endúr (the "EGM"), including the resolution by the EGM to increase Endúr's
share capital by NOK 2,430,555.50 though issuance of 4,861,111 new shares (the
"Share Capital Increase") in connection with the private placement successfully
placed on 11 February 2025 (the "Private Placement"). Further reference is made
to the stock exchange announcement earlier today concerning the registration of
the Share Capital Increase.
Tigerstaden Marine AS, a company controlled by Tigerstaden AS, was allocated
103,221 shares in the Private Placement, increasing its total holding to
2,103,221 shares in Endúr, which represented approximately 5.55% of the issued
shares and votes prior to the registration of the Share Capital Increase.
Following registration of the Share Capital Increase, Tigerstaden Marine AS'
relative holding has decreased to 4.92%, thereby falling below the 5% threshold
pursuant to section 4-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
The disclosure obligation was triggered by Tigerstaden Marine AS falling below
the 5% threshold. However, Tigerstaden AS' consolidated holdings amount to
2,400,370 shares, representing approximately 5.61% of the issued shares and
votes following the registration of the Share Capital Increase.
Tigerstaden AS' consolidated position in Endur is held by the legal entities
shown below:
Legal entity Number of shares Percentage
Tigerstaden Marine AS 2,103,221 4.92%
Tigerstaden AS 12,000 0.03%
Tigergutt Invest AS 70,149 0.16%
Leoville AS 100,000 0.23%
Tigerstate Capital AS 50,000 0.12%
Boolean AS 50,000 0.12%
Alundo Invest AS 15,000 0.04%
All companies listed above are controlled by Tigerstaden AS, which is ultimately
controlled by Ketil Skorstad. Tigerstaden AS and its affiliated parties do not
have any additional rights to shares or votes in Endúr.