Land | Island |
Lista | Euronext Growth Oslo |
Sektor | Handel & varor |
Industri | Dagligvaror |
2023-10-04 18:00:53
Ice Fish Farm AS - Mandatory notification of trade
Reference is made to the stock exchange notice published by Ice Fish Farm AS
(the "Company") on 4 April 2023, regarding an agreement entered into by
Eggjahvita ehf., a close associate of CEO Guðmundur Gíslason, to sell 3,437,119
shares in the Company to a company to be established ("Newco"). The parties have
subsequently agreed not complete the sale and Eggjahvita ehf. therefore still
holds 9,272,662 shares in the Company.
Instead of completing the sale of shares to Newco, Eggjahvita ehf. has today
entered into an agreement regarding a sale of 1,715,123 shares in the Company to
Eskja hf., corresponding to 1.40% of the shares in the Company, at a price per
share of NOK 28.75.
After the transaction, Eggjahvita ehf. will hold 7,557,539 shares, corresponding
to 6.18% of the shares in the Company.
Please see the attached notification form for further information.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to MAR
article 19 and Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
For further information please contact:
Róbert Róbertsson, CFO
+354 8430086