Land | Norge |
Lista | OAX Equities |
Sektor | Hälsovård |
Industri | Medicinteknik |
2025-01-07 21:31:11
Oslo, 7 January 2025
Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement by Observe Medical ASA
("Observe Medical" or the "Company", OSE ticker: OBSVR) on 7 January 2025
regarding the approval by the extraordinary general meeting of a share capital
increase of NOK 1.30 through the issue of 5 new shares, each with a nominal
value of NOK 0.26, in connection with the resolved share consolidation of the
Company's shares.
Ingerø Reiten Investment Company AS has subscribed for 5 new shares in the
Company in said share capital increase. Ingerø Reiten Investment Company AS is
represented on the Company's board of directors by Terje Bakken (chairperson).
Please see the attached notification form for further information.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to article
19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation and section 5-12 of the Norwegian
Securities Trading Act.