23:27:41 Europe / Stockholm
2023-08-31 07:00:00
- Viridor becomes controlling shareholder of Quantafuel 
- Viridor increased the loan facility to Quantafuel from NOK 250,000,000 to NOK
- ReSource, Denmark's largest plastic sorting facility, is on track
- The Skive plant prioritises testing of key design solutions

During this quarter, the integration and collaboration with our majority
shareholder, Viridor, has been given high focus. Quantafuel and Viridor are
aligning strengths and visions, laying the groundwork for a combination of
expertise that makes progress in chemical recycling.

An Extraordinary General Meeting was convened in May, 2023 where Viridor's
influence was underscored, as it took the reins and a new Board of Directors was
elected. The Board of Directors now includes Kevin Michael Bradshaw, CEO of
Viridor, as the Chairman of the Board, and Omar Shafi Khan, CFO of Viridor, as a
second board member. Quantafuel's Anette Knoph Lerø and Rene Ortiz Garcia are
the board's employee representatives. At the subsequent Board of Director
meeting Terje U. Eiken was appointed as CEO.

For further queries, please contact:
Terje U. Eiken, CEO +47 93018040
Christian Bekkevold Nilsen, CFO + 47 90277833

About Quantafuel | https://quantafuel.com
Quantafuel is a technology-based energy company converting waste plastics back
into low-carbon synthetic oil products replacing virgin oil products. Quantafuel
is establishing, operating and owning dedicated plastic-to-liquid (PtL) plants
and plans to establish several plants throughout Europe and beyond.

This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU
Market Abuse Regulation, and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant
to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.