23:26:58 Europe / Stockholm
2023-11-15 07:00:00
- The Skive plant continues testing of key design solutions in parallel with
commercial production
- ReSource, Denmark's largest plastic sorting facility, is on track to start
commissioning in Q4
- Quantafuel's loan agreement with Viridor secures financial stability
- Amendments to the loan agreement gives the company flexibility to repay the
loan, either in part
or full, by issuing new shares

During this quarter, the integration and collaboration with our majority
shareholder, Viridor, has
continued. Together we are aligning our strengths and visions and laying the
groundwork for a
combination of expertise that makes progress in chemical and mechanical
recycling of plastics.

For further queries, please contact:
Terje U. Eiken, CEO +47 93018040 terje.eiken@quantafuel.com
Jens Petter Broby, CFO + 47 91543203 jens.petter.broby@quantafuel.com

About Quantafuel | https://quantafuel.com
Quantafuel is a technology-based energy company converting waste plastics back
into low-carbon synthetic oil products replacing virgin oil products. Quantafuel
is establishing, operating and owning dedicated plastic-to-liquid (PtL) plants
and plans to establish several plants throughout Europe and beyond.

This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU
Market Abuse Regulation, and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant
to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.