Onsdag 22 Januari | 11:35:55 Europe / Stockholm
2022-11-09 07:00:00
Oslo, Norway, October 9th 2022 

In October 2022, Standard Supply AS (Standard Supply) achieved a utilization of
86% and effective time charter equivalent earnings of approximately USD 10,800
per day. The Company's operating cash breakeven is around USD 7,300 per day.

Presently Standard Supply has six PSVs trading in the UK market and two in the
Mediterranean. Five vessels are on term business at an average rate of c. USD
15,000 per day. The UK spot market presently has rates around GBP 7-10,000 per
day. In October the Company took delivery of the large-sized PSV Standard
Defender, while the reactivation of the mid-sized PSV Standard Duke is expected
completed in November.


For further information, please contact:
Chairman of the Board Martin Nes at +47 92 01 48 14

About Standard Supply | standard-supply.com
Standard Supply owns a fleet of nine platform supply vessels (PSVs)