05:48:11 Europe / Stockholm

Kurs & Likviditet

Kursutveckling och likviditet under dagen för detta pressmeddelande
2024-09-02 11:52:13


(Incorporated as a public limited company in England and Wales with limited liability)

(Registered Number: 966425)

(the "Issuer")

Notice of redemption in respect of the

SGD 750,000,000 Fixed Rate Resetting Perpetual Subordinated Contingent Convertible Securities

(ISIN: XS2013525253, Issue Date: 03 July 2019 , Stock code: 05986)

(the "Securities" and the holders thereof, the "Securityholders")

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Securityholders that, pursuant to Condition 8(c) of the terms and conditions of the Securities (the "Conditions") set out in the offering circular dated 28 June 2019 , the Issuer will fully redeem the outstanding Securities on 3 October 2024 (the "Redemption Date") at 100 per cent. of their principal amount together with Accrued Interest.

Following redemption, the Securities will be cancelled pursuant to Condition 8(h) of the Conditions and there will be no outstanding Securities in issue.  Accordingly, the Issuer will make an application to The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited for the withdrawal of the listing of the Securities.

Words and expressions used in this notice shall, unless defined herein or the context otherwise requires, have the same meaning as in the Conditions.

Dated: 02 September 2024

For further information please contact:

Daniel Banks
Managing Director, Global Head, Debt Investor Relations
1 Basinghall Avenue
+44 7500 106 936

Shaun Gamble
Executive Director, Group Media Relations
1 Basinghall Avenue
+44 7766 443 662